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Crazy Bus Crash


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Footage has emerged of the moment a bus was struck by a truck on a highway in Lishui City in China's southern Zhejiang Province.


At least one person was killed and 23 injured in the crash last Friday.


The footage, aired by state broadcaster CCTV, was captured on the bus' security cameras and shows the driver reversing down the highway after missing his exit.


A truck slams into the back of the bus, causing it to flip and flinging the bus driver from the vehicle.


Reports say the truck driver was killed and others were injured.


Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/VIDEO-Deadly-bus-crash-in-China/tabid/417/articleID/308245/Default.aspx#ixzz2bR286W9c

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Notice from the second angle there's a passenger in the very back that appears to know that impact is imminent.


Also, you always hear of people getting thrown from a vehicle during a crash, but I had a difficult time conceptualizing that for some reason. This vid clears all that up for me.


Physics can be violent.

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