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School bus beating


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  Snowflake said:
And you would be sitting in prison for the rest of your life where you are not the most bad ass person in the room, all the while your kid grows up calling someone else daddy.




ive had my ass whooped by multiple people several times as a kid and I didnt need my daddy going to fight my battles. sad, sad, sad


Here we go :popcorn:

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  JuicedH22 said:
I wonder what he did to make those 3 innocent kids have to defend themselves...


"“Three 15-yr-old black teens beat up a 13-yr-old white kid because he told school officials they tried to sell him drugs,”


(Yes, I got your sarcasm.)

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  Draco-REX said:
The bus drivers aren't allowed to intervene. They can only stop the bus and call the cops.


  Stretch said:
Seriously? Is that a national law? Never heard that before


That's not any law I've ever heard of. The local school district may have a policy for how employees deal with fights though. With enough digging you should be able to find it if you want.


Legally though the school (employees) takes the place of the parent when the student is at school, on the bus, etc... I think the legal term is "en loco parentis". The rules about breaking up a fight are pretty vague. Personally I would have liked to see the driver make an effort to protect the student.


In part I question the school administration. We encourage kids to let us know when something is going on in the school. Putting the 4 of them on the bus after 1 accused the other 3 of dealing is a questionable decision in my opinion.

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  ForceFed said:
Welcome to the ghetto....I grew up in Dayton public school system and this shit happened all the time....and blacks wonder why they are stereotyped. Fuck these punks.


Same here. I can't count how many times I got suspended when I was younger for defending myself, meanwhile the other kids got to stay in school. The system is fucked.

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ENOUGH with the racial innuendo, and outright BS being posted in this thread and the others. Thank god 100% of us know each other outside of CR, and don't make judgement's based on what we post online. :rolleyes:


Think before typing, at least have some decency online.

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