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Anyone install gingerbread on a nook color??


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Someone gave me a nook color to root and install gingerbread. I figured out how to install cyanogen 7.0.0 on an SD card and it boots fine. I tried to install clockworkmod through rom manager but this didn't work. I read something about the bootloader being locked. There are no gapps installed on cm7 so this is a big deal. I found some app that I can't remember the name of but it is supposed to get around this. I downloaded it off their website and it said it installed CWM but I can't get the damn thing to launch. If I hold down the power button and select reboot into recovery it doesn't launch. If I do the power button + nook button while booting it doesn't launch CWM. Frustrating.


I found a guide to install CWM on a 2nd SD card as a boot disk. Well that works. I can boot into CWM with this, then swap sd card with the one that has cyanogen, install gapps, then reboot but it doesn't have the gapps.


Any ideas?

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typically most roms wont come with Gapps you just grab the proper gapps package. How did you install cm7 ? On my note I just use Clock work recovery and install the rom then install gapps.zip and reboot wait 10 minutes and go.
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