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Putin Address American people through NYtimes article.


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Meanwhile the American voters are asking....


"Can you believe what Miley Cyrus is doing in her music video?!?!?!"


Yep. He may be incompetent, but it took a whole lot of dumb folks and a few smart folks to get him where he's at now. He surely didn't get there all by himself.



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Obama got played, hard. Maybe the idiots that voted for him will finally realize that now, after America looks foolish in the eyes of the world.


AMERICA got played hard and the fools that voted for him still don't see it. However, we're all going to feel if for decades to come.


Obama is not a leader and this is just another example of his lack of skills.


^^ this. Dude is the limpidity of a non qualified leader that should have been fired long ago. I bet his own dogs don't follow him into the house.

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If you'd told people in 1983 that in 30 years the president of Russia would be sheltering an American whistleblower who exposed massive state surveillance, and would be attempting to prevent direct American intervention in a middle eastern nation's civil war, every single person would assume you'd gotten your countries mixed up.


True that.


Very thought provoking read. Interested to see where this goes.


And also, LOL @ Bob and PP.

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you never grabbed your dick back then... yet you want to run your mouth now? You got called out to have your chance to "Call me out" and you opted to stay silent....


Here's the chronology if you don't recall...









Let me guess... no response?


I wouldn't bother arguing with a person who is probably the biggest and least respected troll on CR.

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Has Barry responded to this yet? I haven't seen anything. I even went to msnbc.com to see, and the headline story there was about the Shamwow guy (and McAfee gave me a warning that there might be something malicious on that website LOL).


Either way, Rand replied.



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Yep. He may be incompetent, but it took a whole lot of dumb folks and a few smart folks to get him where he's at now. He surely didn't get there all by himself.




well no shit its called voting and a majority of america chose him over Fuck Nugget Mittens or even worse the prior year.


the problem is the republican party is always more worried about social conservatism than proper conservatism.




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well no shit its called voting and a majority of america chose him over Fuck Nugget Mittens or even worse the prior year.


the problem is the republican party is always more worried about social conservatism than proper conservatism.





So by your standards Obama's BFF McCain and Forefather of Obamacare Romney are both socially conservative? The entire reason they got the nomination is because they were LESS socially conservative than most of the others, in hopes of getting votes from the middle.


Also, your year old link is completely irrelevant to this thread.

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