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ps3 windows 8 homegroup baaah!


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help! can not get my ps3 to working with my homegroup in win 8. have media server enabled in the ps3. homegroup setup on the pc. in the advanced sharing options the ps3 is not showing. everything i have tried hasnt helped. any of you that have been able to get the ps3 to work with windows 8 homegroup how did you do it? i had zero issues with win 7. win 8 not so much.
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I was having a similar issue with windows 8 so I went back to using my trusty ps3 media server application. It has worked flawlessly for me and allows me to share my entire C drive to my ps3 for video/photo/music streaming. I highly recommend that. Alternatively I did get the ps3 to show but had to open up media player and allow all devices through streaming options and then also within advanced sharing options had to turn on network discovery for guest/public. Either way ps3 media server program is the shit! :)
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That's strange, mine sees WMP as my renderer and I just start the server and it pops up on my ps3 as a selectable streaming device. You may have other issues. . . perhaps anti-virus interfering or firewall? I'm running the latest ps3 media server with no issues. I did have to restart pc to get it to show up one time but now it's working great. Try disabling any anti-virus and re-install it.
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