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Taters gon tate and Gators gon gate


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Wife caught me watching porn the other day and it was an anal scene. She didn't make a big deal about it (just "Oh I don't know how you can watch that stuff. It's so over the top and fake") and even watched a bit with me. Sure enough a few days later she admitted it made her curious and she wanted to try.


So she bends over and I ease it only that it smells like shiet once her b-hole starts to open up. Then I pump a few times and it feels like mushing through sludge. We do it only a few minutes before she tells me to stop so I pull out. My cock comes out looking like a fudge pop, shiet is around her butthole, the room smells like shiet, and my boner is dead.


Wife is noticeably embarrassed and I made the mistake of having a disgusted look on my face. She immediately notices and says "You know it wasn't gonna be like in the movies right?" I just nod, say its no big deal and shower. However, there's a part of me that doesn't want to believe that was normal. Otherwise I don't see why anal is so great.



- Got caught watching anal porn

- Wife saw and few days later wanted to try

- Did not go over well: room smelled like shiet, dick was a fudge pop,

- Wife sees how disgusted I am and says my mind has been warped by anal porn as to what it should be like

- I just nod and agree so she isn't embarrassed

- Wtf just happened ?




















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