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Capitol locked down

Otis Nice

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It was a 1 year old. At least he'll never remember it, but it does seem like an excessive use of force from the reports of what happened.


excessive force? really? woman tries to use her vehicle as a weapon against armed police drawing their guns on her. excessive stupidy on her part. After seeing it on the news, I'm surprised they didn't shoot her as she reversed into the cop car with 3-4 officers around her. The one guy had a clean shot of her head from the drivers door. adding into account where she was, I don''t think it was excessive at all. too many fucks are given for the bad guys these days.


The little girl being carried away was not the child? Because clearly that was a girl. You would be surprised what you remember when shit like this happens even at 1 YO.


meh....she will forever "know about it" as it will be documented historically on the web. shit like this that happened 30yrs ago are on microfilm. Today it's on facebook, twitter and web sites and easily found.

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excessive force? really? woman tries to use her vehicle as a weapon against armed police drawing their guns on her. excessive stupidy on her part. After seeing it on the news, I'm surprised they didn't shoot her as she reversed into the cop car with 3-4 officers around her. The one guy had a clean shot of her head from the drivers door. adding into account where she was, I don''t think it was excessive at all.


Admittedly, I've only read what's on CNN.com, and they portray it as she pulled up to the gate, did a 3-point turn, almost backing into an officer (easy to do in a G37 coupe), then took off and the chase began. Sure, she was crazy, but she wasn't armed, and the freakin video of the cops chasing her around the roundabout is hilarious. Why didn't the second cop block the roundabout at that point instead of chasing her and the other cop around it? Anyway, it sounds like she hit the barricade and her car was immobile before they started shooting at her, and I question why she couldn't be apprehended at that point.


If the account I have read is false, then fine. She chose the wrong place to freak out and go nuts, and these are the consequences, which I understand.

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I'm really bummed it wasn't some "crazy" just unloading a semi automatic AR-15 at Capitol Hill because they have had enough and no fucks were given anymore. It really made my day turn to shit that it wasn't.


Had that happened and one of those fuckers had been hurt or killed, I may have donated to his defense fund.

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I believe it was a 1 year old. Still about as traumatic as it gets. This entire situation makes no sense. The woman either freaked the fuck out, or there's something not being said.


The intarwebs rumor mill is saying that the woman was Obama's mistress and that was his child, and that whatever form of hush money she was getting was cut off by the shutdown. I don't believe it for a minute, but it's still kind of hilarious to think about.


Oblamer's love child, sounds plausible.

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Admittedly, I've only read what's on CNN.com, and they portray it as she pulled up to the gate, did a 3-point turn, almost backing into an officer (easy to do in a G37 coupe), then took off and the chase began. Sure, she was crazy, but she wasn't armed, and the freakin video of the cops chasing her around the roundabout is hilarious. Why didn't the second cop block the roundabout at that point instead of chasing her and the other cop around it? Anyway, it sounds like she hit the barricade and her car was immobile before they started shooting at her, and I question why she couldn't be apprehended at that point.


If the account I have read is false, then fine. She chose the wrong place to freak out and go nuts, and these are the consequences, which I understand.


Here's NBC's take on it:


Carey was driving a black Infiniti sedan when, just after 2 p.m. ET, she struck a security fence outside the White House. She took off after hitting a Secret Service officer with her car.


From there, police said, she sped up Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol, reaching 80 mph at one point. Police and the Secret Service stopped her at the foot of the Capitol, but she jammed the car into reverse and took off again as police opened fire.


Carey led police on a chase around the perimeter of the Capitol and crashed her car outside a Senate office building a few minutes later, police said. The police shot at her, and she died a short time later. The chase was captured on video.


A Capitol police officer was hurt as he was speeding to confront her and hit a barrier that popped up in the street. The two injured officers were exempt from the government shutdown and required to work but were not being paid.


Carey had an 18-month-old child, believed to be her daughter, in the car, authorities said. The girl was taken to a hospital and found to be unharmed. She was in the protection of social services Friday.

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