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Need a Verizon smart phone.


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My sisters phone got fried durimg an update and isnt covered do to a technicality. Anyway she needs a half way decent phone to get her thrue till may for her upgrade. 4g is preferred but let me know.
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I've got a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus with a bunch of extra shit for it.


Giant ZeroLemon battery & cover, (http://amzn.to/1b6IjkS)

OEM Extended battery and cover, (http://amzn.to/wRIsRg)

OEM battery & cover,


Rooted and ROM'd running 4.2.2.


It's one of the most 'updatable' phones around.


$50. 614-787-487one

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Galaxy Nexus is a fantastic phone. Maybe cybe here will flash the 4.4 rom on there for you and you'll have the most up to date phone on the verizon network for the next 6 months to a year at least.


Don't trust the verizon clerk too much, they typically have no idea what they are talking about.

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I've got a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus with a bunch of extra shit for it.


Giant ZeroLemon battery & cover, (http://amzn.to/1b6IjkS)

OEM Extended battery and cover, (http://amzn.to/wRIsRg)

OEM battery & cover,


Rooted and ROM'd running 4.2.2.


It's one of the most 'updatable' phones around.


$50. 614-787-487one


Galaxy Nexus is a great phone.


I'd offer my Moto Droid Bionic for half that price but I wouldn't wish that phone on my worst enemy. Moto FTL.

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No offense or anything. Cant trust aanybody anymore unfortunately


None taken. That is unfortunate.


I'm around Easton most days, and there's a Verizon store here. I'll flash it back to stock. The phone's in fine shape.


Moto FTL


Right? Never again.

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