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WTB cheap compact 9mm revolvers or semi-autos?

Guest GMoney

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Any ideas on where I can get 2 matching compact 9mm revolvers or semi-autos? I don't want a Hi-Point but that's the price point I am talking about. I would even buy used to keep the cost down even further if they are not clapped out.


I have a specific purpose for these two guns and already have some nice carry guns and range guns and don't want to carry my nice stuff to where these junk guns will be going. I want the 9mm because I will be shooting the crap out of these just to get familiar with them before I start to carry them. I don't want another caliber that I have to stock and worry about.


I would prefer a 9mm revolver but I know they are super rare (I think only two manufactures ever made them) so I am open to semi's.



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  Radio Flyer said:
OVO might still have a few of the police trade in Kahr K9 for under 400. Best pistol for the money IMHO.


I will check on these. A little more than I wanted to spend, that seems to be a good gun for the money.

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  1fastSTI said:
$150 bucks for a 9mm you can shoot the crap out of and carry it? lol Good luck with it.


Why don't you just spend a little extra money and buy a used G19 or G26. you can shot the crap out of it and carry it.


I know $150 is way low expectation but I am just trying to get close. If you know where I can get a Glock 26 for "Just a little more" I would snag them up in a second. The used ones that I see are like $50 off the new price.


I know that I can go spend $800 and in 15 min have two very nice reliable guns.


That's not fun. I want the hunt and even willing to fix broken stuff. I would even prefer something that the finish is totally destroyed just to get a deal. Hopefully these guns will never see the light of day after I put them away.

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  GMoney said:
I know $150 is way low expectation but I am just trying to get close. If you know where I can get a Glock 26 for "Just a little more" I would snag them up in a second. The used ones that I see are like $50 off the new price.


I know that I can go spend $800 and in 15 min have two very nice reliable guns.


That's not fun. I want the hunt and even willing to fix broken stuff. I would even prefer something that the finish is totally destroyed just to get a deal. Hopefully these guns will never see the light of day after I put them away.


you said you wanted 2 matching 9mms, for a little more, you can just get 1 g26 lol.


And reliable 9mm and 150 dollars really doesn't exist...... Well they do, but you have to put some work into them and they are a different kind of 9mm. You can get a surplus makarov around 200 dollars, but it shoots 9x18mm rounds lol

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I own this gun and I've had 1 jam out of a few thousands of rounds of blazer(cheap) ammo. I was skeptical when I first got it but in the end I've really enjoyed the gun. I've also had great experience with there customer service. I emailed them about purchasing the 10 round mag for my 9mm and they shipped me one for free.

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  Thorne said:

I own this gun and I've had 1 jam out of a few thousands of rounds of blazer(cheap) ammo. I was skeptical when I first got it but in the end I've really enjoyed the gun. I've also had great experience with there customer service. I emailed them about purchasing the 10 round mag for my 9mm and they shipped me one for free.


Hi-Points work. There are probably 1,000's of them in the bottom of every river and lake in the USA to prove it. There is no reason to "get rid" of a gun that jammed and did not get a couple rounds off while committing a crime.


I might just have to go that route.

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I heard a story of a guy who is well known in the gun world that absolutely swears by hi point. I hear he has made several videos showing how accurate and well made they are. Says the price automatically makes people feel they are junk. I will try to remember the guys name.
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Once again, just because your Hi-Point performs well at an indoor range, does not mean it's "reliable." USPSA guys run their shit harder than you could possibly imagine and not a single one runs a Hi-Point. And do you know why? Because they shit the bed when actually pushed hard.


But, hey, as long as you're comfortable with it.

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BTW, can I ask why you want two identical guns? Planning on dual-wielding them?


I'm all for owning more guns, and personally I would like to have a 2nd G19 to fuck around with, but only because I'd gut the fuck out of it for shits and giggles while leaving my 1st an untouched virgin. But unless you're doing something different to the second, or giving it to someone else, I guess I don't see the point?

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HPs aren't realibale. Period. I've tried 5 different ones that friends or competitors (amateur competitions) have had. They're garbage. At one comp a new shooter showed up with his only pistol, a HP 9mm. Just got his CCL and was planning on carrying this.


Couldn't get 2 rounds off without malfunctioning in one way or another. We found out he was running Tulammo and wanting to keep as many people in the comp as possible we offered him better ammo. Still jammed. Ended up competing with someones backup.

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  GMoney said:
Any ideas on where I can get 2 matching compact 9mm revolvers or semi-autos? I don't want a Hi-Point but that's the price point I am talking about. I would even buy used to keep the cost down even further if they are not clapped out.


I have a specific purpose for these two guns and already have some nice carry guns and range guns and don't want to carry my nice stuff to where these junk guns will be going. I want the 9mm because I will be shooting the crap out of these just to get familiar with them before I start to carry them. I don't want another caliber that I have to stock and worry about.


I would prefer a 9mm revolver but I know they are super rare (I think only two manufactures ever made them) so I am open to semi's.




Throw down guns? Planning on a heist? Something here doesn't add up.

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Taurus 24/7 Pro probably could be picked up used for $200-$300 cheapest I would go if your looking for a carry gun. Compact but still reliable. Taurus doesn't have the absolute best reviews out there but for the price and their 24/7 pro series is very reliable. I've owned one just replaced it with other things that are better. But would have no problem trusting it with my life.
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