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Buried Ferrari

Otis Nice

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not much of a story to read....



Here are the cliffs:


At first it was like:





And then it was like:



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Here are the cliffs:


At first it was like:





And then it was like:






The car is still not listed on any registries. No one knows where it is.

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That is the car, plate even says dug up. Been registered for awhile


I think your confused-This quote is from 1978


Afterward the young mechanic moved the Dino and himself out of the garage on Burbank Boulevard without leaving a forwarding address, Then he or parties unknown perfectly completed the Dino's impossible restoration. Duly registered and newly licensed [with vanity tags reading "DUGUP"] by California's Department of Motor Vehicles, the buried Dino next was returned to what I hope is high speed play out on L.A.'s kinking boulevards and across our endless and flat out four and five laners.P



From Today-


More than 30 years after it was found, the dirty Dino remains unlisted on any Dino registry. That's not to say it's not somewhere out there. Indeed, it just may be.



The picture you provided is of "a" Green 246, not necessarily "the" 246GTS which seems to be MIA in 2013.


If you Google Image search "DUG UP Ferarri", you get 2 pictures of a green 246 GTS (along with 5938652 other pics), neither of which shoe the plate "DUG UP. In fact, you also get a picture of this.



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I think your confused-This quote is from 1978


Afterward the young mechanic moved the Dino and himself out of the garage on Burbank Boulevard without leaving a forwarding address, Then he or parties unknown perfectly completed the Dino's impossible restoration. Duly registered and newly licensed [with vanity tags reading "DUGUP"] by California's Department of Motor Vehicles, the buried Dino next was returned to what I hope is high speed play out on L.A.'s kinking boulevards and across our endless and flat out four and five laners.P



From Today-


More than 30 years after it was found, the dirty Dino remains unlisted on any Dino registry. That's not to say it's not somewhere out there. Indeed, it just may be.



The picture you provided is of "a" Green 246, not necessarily "the" 246GTS which seems to be MIA in 2013.


If you Google Image search "DUG UP Ferarri", you get 2 pictures of a green 246 GTS (along with 5938652 other pics), neither of which shoe the plate "DUG UP. In fact, you also get a picture of this.






False. You're confused.


Watch the video if it's easier :



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