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House Bill 203


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Ohio House passes Stand Your Ground bill 62-27. The bill now goes to the Senate.


Good, GREAT. The duty to retreat DOES need removed.



How do other CHL owners feel about "Reduces the training requirement for obtaining a concealed-carry license from 12 hours to 4"



I personally do not agree with that. I think the class should be 12 hours, or possibly more. If you go to a good class and not one with 200 other people. Mine had 10 people max in it. A LOT of good info, that would be missed if the class was only 4 hours.


I personally do not think people wanting to get their CHL will be properly trained in 4 hours.

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I may be biased because I only took one class from one instructor but ours was struggling to find things to discuss after a few hours. The fact is those who are responsible to carry don't need a lot of instruction. Those who are going to get themselves in trouble will do so even with 500hrs of training.
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I may be biased because I only took one class from one instructor but ours was struggling to find things to discuss after a few hours. The fact is those who are responsible to carry don't need a lot of instruction. Those who are going to get themselves in trouble will do so even with 500hrs of training.


I have to agree with this statement.


TX just took it down from 12 to 4.

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The fact is those who are responsible to carry don't need a lot of instruction. .



I dissagree. Anyone who is wanting to conceal carry should have to take a 12 hour course... It doesn't have anything to do with if they are responsible you dont need instruction. I am very responsible and learned all 12 hours of my class.


If your instructor ran out of info after a couple hours it seems to me he only gave you the info he had to give you to pass the class..


In my class we ran out of time with all of the stuff we went over.


Hell, some places are charging 80$ and they have over 200 people in the class? That tells me they are only in it for the money.



So if you agree with dropping it to 4 hours, why 4? Why not 3 or 2? Hell if you pass a background check, why even have a class?

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Mine also ran over 12 hours.. But as it was coming to 9pm we called it done.


Do you think you could get the same amount of info in 4 hours?


Nope. Super thorough on the laws. We maybe spent 3 hours on firearms themselves. It was a class of 20 and for experienced shooters only. Actually had 3 retired cops in the class saying they learned a ton.

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If you have been around firearms your whole life, always hunted, always had a Hunting License..... There is little you will "learn" in 12 hrs of instruction.


...just sayin...





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I didnt need anyone to tell me that if my life is in danger to the point i need a firearm, all the things i need to worry about when it comes to whats legal or not. The only useful information my instructor gave me was if you need your firarm you really shouldnt be concerned with whats legal and whats not.
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I didnt need anyone to tell me that if my life is in danger to the point i need a firearm, all the things i need to worry about when it comes to whats legal or not. The only useful information my instructor gave me was if you need your firarm you really shouldnt be concerned with whats legal and whats not.


Sounds like a shitty instructor

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Okay.... please, what should you LEARN in your 12 Hour Course?




You should know the laws inside and out. There is a lot more responsibility than just killing someone when you are scared for your life.

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Like I said I only took one course he might be a shitty instructor i have nothing to compare it to. He was a police officer for some local municipality. I grew up with guys who carried guns in middle school, were never caught and luckily never needed one.Seems odd that at 12 these kids never got themselves in trouble with one yet adults seem to do it all the time. I guess it comes down to the intelligence of the person carrying.
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There was a lot of fluff added to mine to hit the twelve hour mark. Remember, the new law would be a minimum of 4 hours, not maximum.


My take is you should set the class to handle the lowest common denominator - those one or two students who haven't handled a lot of firearms and went through safety courses.


Part of mine was the parts of a handgun... proper grip... different sight pictures... breathing to improve groups. We watched downloaded Youtube videos about holster options and women's carry. Ours could have been cut to around 4 hours classroom plus the range qualification.

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someone kill this thread.... this will go nowhere....


Thread doesn't need closed.. Not everyone is going to agree on everything in life :dumb:



This thread is not just about dropping CHL training from 12 to 4 hours.



This is about HB 203 which needs passed. It was an update to tell people if they haven't heard, it has been passed by the house and going to the senate.

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And this is learn-able in a 12 Hour Course?




Yes. Why wouldn't it be? You aren't learning how to defend issues in court. You are being taught was is and isn't allowable by law in different situations.

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