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Stock opinions and advice? $


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I did a little selling off today, as I was feeling the stocks I had "dabbled" in had paid what they were going to. I'm looking for something new to watch. And just discussion in general. I held on to these for about 2 years and they paid out between 17-49%.


Thoughts? Rumors?

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Well, I'm up around 42% since I purchased AAPL earlier in the summer. I don't see a "correction" coming any time in the next 6-9 months so I'll be staying in the equities for now. I made a push into STTYF today since they had a small sell-off. It's a very interesting metal streaming company, I really like the business model for the future.
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If you didn't make around 40-50% in the past 6 months you should probably give up and go to a casino. LOL


We've seen a very strong bull market for quite a while so much so that many are starting to consider lots of stocks overbought at the moment. Of course there is no way to tell for sure and a lot depends on .gov policies, world events, etc. Its just in my book if you have anything to protect I'd be thinking of moving it to safer positions.

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If anyone's interested NAVB is a dublin based pharmaceutical company that someone on here pointed out to me. I added it to my watch lists and its made a bottom and has made me a good margin so far and looks good for continued growth for at least the short term.

Here's a link to some technicals on it http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=NAVB+Interactive#symbol=navb;range=6m;compare=;indicator=sma%2818%29+bollinger+volume+macd+stochasticslow;charttype=candlestick;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;


I don't typically swing trade or hold anything overnight unless I have a very good indication of direction and in this case I do.






Trade at your own risk

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If you didn't make around 40-50% in the past 6 months you should probably give up and go to a casino. LOL


We've seen a very strong bull market for quite a while so much so that many are starting to consider lots of stocks overbought at the moment. Of course there is no way to tell for sure and a lot depends on .gov policies, world events, etc. Its just in my book if you have anything to protect I'd be thinking of moving it to safer positions.


My dad and I were talking recently about the recommended investments for my 401k. I won't name the company but someone's not doing their jobs because a certain fund, their 2nd most aggressive, only grew about 4% in that time frame. My dad's most conservative grew 25%.


Its a good thing I do my own allocations for 401k instead of listening to them :dumb:


also Littleguy, where do you work? My dad's at HCM.

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Yeah I feel ya, my companies 401k has done 11% YTD. I don't use the 401k, I do my own investing and am planning to shift my job to full time day trading in a couple of years and semi retire. I say semi because day trading is still huge work but to me it's enjoyable work.
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Yeah I feel ya, my companies 401k has done 11% YTD. I don't use the 401k, I do my own investing and am planning to shift my job to full time day trading in a couple of years and semi retire. I say semi because day trading is still huge work but to me it's enjoyable work.


EDIT: misread

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While we're at it again, any of you guys know where to find a good wealth manager? My Dad is nearing retirement, two years away or so. He'll have a bit of cash, 401k and IRA, but nothing to make him rich. Just enough that a good manager should be able to help them live out the rest of their lives without tightening up much. They don't live outside their means and never did, more on the penny pincher side of things.


I give them general advise and do manage a cash account for them, but am in no way qualified to advise on the complexities of retirement and wealth management. Especially since lots of that stuff crosses over into tax code which changes yearly, along with general yearly rule changes on account types.

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While we're at it again, any of you guys know where to find a good wealth manager? My Dad is nearing retirement, two years away or so. He'll have a bit of cash, 401k and IRA, but nothing to make him rich. Just enough that a good manager should be able to help them live out the rest of their lives without tightening up much. They don't live outside their means and never did, more on the penny pincher side of things.


I give them general advise and do manage a cash account for them, but am in no way qualified to advise on the complexities of retirement and wealth management. Especially since lots of that stuff crosses over into tax code which changes yearly, along with general yearly rule changes on account types.



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