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  Panduh said:
World Harvest?



Nope, Suffield United Church of Christ. We allow anybody with faith to attend.


We have full out in the open gay people that come to our church, and you know what? The place has not burnt to the ground yet!


I have worked side by side with these same people growing up helping those who have less and they love god and want to do good just as much as any bible thumper I have ever seen.


My views have changed over the years in different ways. I like the aspect of several different religions and try to bring them into my life to be a better person.


The one thing that I get from all that I have read is god does not like assholes and wants us to be excellent to each other.

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  Mensan said:
This doesn't make any sense. There are always consequences for things you say. In this instance, he is a public figure. He hasn't been banned from being on television. If you were at work and said some dumb shit that pissed your boss off, especially if a lot of other people heard it and he felt isolated or embarrassed, you would be fired. the idea that public figures can say whatever they want without any fear of backlash by their employers or those they represent is pretty fucking silly.


Spot on.


Free speech gives you the right to speak, however it does not give a pass on what was said.

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  yenner said:
There shouldn't be any "consequences". If someone asks your opinion and you answer honestly do you expect backlash to this degree? Freedom of speech? Nah. Went out the window long ago. Freedom of religion? Forget about it.


That is a horrible argument. Freedom of speech is in the constitution to protect your freedom and liberties, not to protect your employment. Your employer can do whatever they want for whatever you say or do. If you don't like it then you can get a job somewhere else. Freedom of religion? Are you being hung or killed or banished for believing what you want? No, then STFU.


Sometimes I think a lot of people have no idea why/what the constitution was actually written for. Granted times have changed a ton and people try to bring their "rights" up for arguments sakes.

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So tired of hearing this crap, if your beliefs and opinions are not with main stream media or Hollyweird your a racist, gay basher, horrible person that should be removed from society. People can't stand when your a traditionalist and hold true to your values and faith.


I conform to nobody, and support Chic Fil A and Mr. Robertson. Speak for what you believe in no matter what.


And the helluva of it is.....their not pushing their beliefs on anyone, Just stating what those beliefs are. And I respect that. Believe what you want just don't push it on me, my family or my kids.

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TV is paid for by ads. The companies that buy those ads are often child companies of much larger organizations that are beholden to prohibit perceived intolerant speech or action. Targeted demographics (i.e. people that think fake TV is real) are often only a small slice of the larger organizations piece of the ad pie. Freedom of speech has absolutely nothing to do with TV, nor does having freedom of speech absolve you of any negative consequences that occur as result of.
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  BigOxley said:
i'll bet this guy has "struggled" with gay thoughts/feelings in the past.


i doubt it.

I feel the same way about a vagina. Woman have so much more to offer men versus what another dude has :yuno:

Guy is just speaking his beliefs.

As a Christian he believes some things are wrong (sins) and are not based upon what society's consensus is. He is not hating any one nor condemning them to hell, nor is saying God will condemn them to hell. As if God would we would all be condemned to hell for our actions, which is why Jesus comes in the picture and offers all of us restitution, for all of us adulterers, terrorists, murderers, divorcees, homosexuals, haters. All can be saved if they want to.


now people get mad cause they don't want to believe what they do is wrong, so they attack people on their right to a belief and freedom of speech.

To me the guy is being fired because his religious beliefs which is against the law.

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  smokinHawk said:
He is not hating any one nor condemning them to hell, nor is saying God will condemn them to hell.


He kind of is. I don't speak religion but the rest of his quote comes off that way...


"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."


But homosexuals aren't alone, Robertson said. "Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

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Couple things, first the people that say the show is crap and dumbs down America ... the show is based around strong families, strong religious and basic human morals, and preaching to stop being so dependant on store bought everything and be more self supportive. They finish every show with a meal together and a good reminder of a life lesson. If you think that is wrong maybe we have bigger problems.

Second I see no where in what he said hateful. Just because you say I don't agree with xyz behavior and don't understand it and choose to live in accordance with my religion does not make you an awful person. It only makes you a person that a well formed belief base. Had he said gays are bad they should be erased or something to the like then it would be very different. People are so worried about hurting feelings anymore that they don't even know where offensive starts anymore

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Just asking the question.... What would happen if the family backed him and quit the show? The family already has money and really don't need more. Would A&E would be out their best show ever or could they swallow and let him back? Opinions?
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  GMoney said:
Just asking the question.... What would happen if the family backed him and quit the show? The family already has money and really don't need more. Would A&E would be out their best show ever or could they swallow and let him back? Opinions?


I don't agree with what he said, but that would be pretty bad ass if they gave A&E the double bird and walked off.


Its not like it would hurt their business, let's be honest, how many viewers actually buy their real business product?

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The show is crap. Free Speech. You may disagree. Free Speech. Your idea of good values is subjective. Objective Free Speech. If my company seriously disagrees with me they can fire me. At Will Employment. If enough people disagree with his ousting, they can band together, kickstart their own TV channel, or petition an overtly religious channel to add him on. Community Action. Sentence Fragment, Sentence Fragment.
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  bicranium said:
He kind of is. I don't speak religion but the rest of his quote comes off that way...


"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."


See, this passage is the current circlejerk on Reddit, but what I don't understand is why people are getting offended by it. Is it because of the link to bestiality? Why does that offend (ambiguous) you? Getting upset makes you just as much as a bigot towards those who partake in bestiality as it does him toward gays, for making the negative connotation towards those who choose to fuck animals. If we're a society who accepts people for who they are, even though we may not agree with it, then we need to accept the weirdos too, not just whatever Hollywood wants us to accept.


But homosexuals aren't alone, Robertson said. "Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."


But this, however, I agree that Phil should not have gone here. He even contradicts himself later by saying only God can judge people and decide who gets in to heaven and who doesn't. This bit is what people who are upset, should be upset about.


For the record, I personally agree that it is A&E's business right to fire Phil for the remarks he made as a representative of the brand. However, I am sick of the current status quo that "tolerance" only refers to not talking shit about what's hip, not actually tolerating everyone. I also think the GQ interviewer who talked with Phil is a total douchebag, he knew where Phil was going to go and he threw his ass under the bus to get his gold. Not the kind of person I would ever be friends with.

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people's reading comprehension is pretty pathetic here, and they don't understand Christianity.


But homosexuals aren't alone, Robertson said. "Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."


When he makes that statement he is stating we all are sinners worthy of eternal death (including himself)

then says

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We're all sinners


in that statement he is telling of the way to be saved from eternal death. God is the judge and demands restitution for all of our actions, but the good news he is referring about Jesus, is that Jesus had sacrificed himself to take our deserved place of eternal death.


so no he isn't saying that he condemns or God will condemn them, but that there is a way out of condemnation.

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  xlr8tn said:
unless he said being gay was a good thing.....then he's good to go.


In relation to his job - Disclaimer.


I am not in the camp that he is being suppressed, I am in the camp that what he said his boss's didn't like, and there was a repercussion for that...

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  nurkvinny said:
What if, just if, he actually believes what he believes because he LOVES his fellow humans?




That is what a lot of people don't seem to get.


People think that because you don't agree with someones actions, you automatically hate them, and that can not be further from the truth in a lot of cases.

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  Mensan said:
This doesn't make any sense. There are always consequences for things you say. In this instance, he is a public figure. He hasn't been banned from being on television. If you were at work and said some dumb shit that pissed your boss off, especially if a lot of other people heard it and he felt isolated or embarrassed, you would be fired. the idea that public figures can say whatever they want without any fear of backlash by their employers or those they represent is pretty fucking silly.


So if your employer asks your opinion and what you believe, and they disagree and fire you, that's constitutional? Wrong. That's discrimination.


  DaddyBuiltRacing said:
Well he was suspended from filming new shows today actually. I don't have a problem with him stating his opinion, I just think he could've done it in a little better manner, like pleading the 5th haha.


I'd rather get fired standing for what I believe than "pleading the 5th" and being wishy washy like the vast majority of spineless celebs. (Note: I'm not saying anyone here is spineless.)


  unfunnyryan said:
This. He has a right to his own opinion and I respect that. He doesn't have the right to a TV show or a job.


Do you have an opinion on the matter? Are you currently employed? This is seriously funny to me that some people think this way.


Scenario: Phil is gay instead of a conservative. He is asked his opinion. He says a penis is hawt to him and that guys that like the vag are "wrong". Does he get fired? Do we even see the story?


  Wagner said:

I find so much of this situation funny. You have the bible thumpers on one side holding thier book high in the air trying to justify hate. Then you have the LGBT on the other standing on their little soap box just screaming like a cat stuck in a bathtub.


As someone else mentioned, where does he say he hates anyone? He says he loves all people and we should all love all people. He simply expressed his beliefs.


I don't believe in worshiping cows. They're delicious. If you worship cows I don't hate you. That's fine. Down, down, do your thing, do your thing, do your thing.


  Wagner said:
People, its 2013, damn near 2014 why do we still hate others because of skin, race, god, or who they like to fuck? Has the human race not learned after THOUSANDS of years that shit ain't good for much of anything?


I agree. Right now Phil is getting hated on because of his faith. Stand up for his rights to believe the way he chooses.


  Wagner said:
I was raised in the church and I will never forget pastor Rob saying "if you are going to hate someone, you better have a damn good reason."


Love this. Seriously.


  Wagner said:
Some people seem to think its ok to use god as a reason to hate someone different.


Despise this. Seriously. I don't think Phil hates anyone though.


  Furloaf said:
Hating others for their inconsequential opinions is in the same vein as hating others for their lifestyle choices. What he said wasn't hateful and it's not like he is organizing anti-gay rallies or promoting violence. If you're going to crusade, crusade against those that are actually doing bad things.




  Brandon said:
Spot on.


Free speech gives you the right to speak, however it does not give a pass on what was said.


Again, there is a difference between ticking off people by spouting off at the mouth and answering a question presented to you. If asked your opinion, do you supply it or do you tip toe around the question walking on eggshells afraid to stand up what you believe in for fear of offending someone?


  verse said:
That is a horrible argument. Freedom of speech is in the constitution to protect your freedom and liberties, not to protect your employment. Your employer can do whatever they want for whatever you say or do. If you don't like it then you can get a job somewhere else. Freedom of religion? Are you being hung or killed or banished for believing what you want? No, then STFU.


Sometimes I think a lot of people have no idea why/what the constitution was actually written for. Granted times have changed a ton and people try to bring their "rights" up for arguments sakes.




  truckin said:
So tired of hearing this crap, if your beliefs and opinions are not with main stream media or Hollyweird your a racist, gay basher, horrible person that should be removed from society. People can't stand when your a traditionalist and hold true to your values and faith.


I conform to nobody, and support Chic Fil A and Mr. Robertson. Speak for what you believe in no matter what.


And the helluva of it is.....their not pushing their beliefs on anyone, Just stating what those beliefs are. And I respect that. Believe what you want just don't push it on me, my family or my kids.




  Wagner said:
God looks at CR and says "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS"




  Buckeye said:
Couple things, first the people that say the show is crap and dumbs down America ... the show is based around strong families, strong religious and basic human morals, and preaching to stop being so dependant on store bought everything and be more self supportive. They finish every show with a meal together and a good reminder of a life lesson. If you think that is wrong maybe we have bigger problems.

Second I see no where in what he said hateful. Just because you say I don't agree with xyz behavior and don't understand it and choose to live in accordance with my religion does not make you an awful person. It only makes you a person that a well formed belief base. Had he said gays are bad they should be erased or something to the like then it would be very different. People are so worried about hurting feelings anymore that they don't even know where offensive starts anymore




  Geeesammy said:
I don't think he ever went westborobaptist and said he hated them...







I have read all responses and see where you guys are saying he should be fired for this. Yes, he's employed by A&E and yes they have the right to fire him. I was simply saying it's ridiculous IMO. IMO. Let me say that again: IMO. He has the right to state what he believes yet is scorned for it, not just by A&E, but by many others who are not his employer.


People are putting words into his mouth. Saying he's hateful and judgmental. That's fine. Everyone's opinions are welcomed.


Whether it's conservative Phil or Richard Simmons I still hold to my belief (as an American, not a Christian) that you should be able to give your opinion when asked for it without fear of consequences like this.


I respect anyone who stands for what they believe in without going WBB about it. He has never formed an alliance against anyone, or used his money to try to put a stop to anything. He simply answered a question and went back to his humble home where Miss Kay whipped up a nice squirrel gravy and thought nothing more about it.


I don't hate anyone. I don't agree with everyone. Am I a bad person?

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  Brandon said:
In relation to his job - Disclaimer.


I am not in the camp that he is being suppressed, I am in the camp that what he said his boss's didn't like, and there was a repercussion for that...


This I can agree with. What I dislike is that A&E feels they should fire him. They signed up for this too, knowing well in advance the families stance on such issues, then a few years later suspend him indefinitely? Shady business practices. It's not like they didn't know this the entire time they were riding this gravy train.


  RC K9 said:
That is what a lot of people don't seem to get.


People think that because you don't agree with someones actions, you automatically hate them, and that can not be further from the truth in a lot of cases.



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