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Duck Dynasty Drama


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People need to start being accountable for their actions and words and in the grand scheme of life, start looking out for themselves.


He absolutely knows he is accountable for what he says and does, which is exactly why he said what he said.


If there is a God, who's opinion do you think matters more? Society's, or God's?


What did Jesus say to his disciples when he sent them out? He told them he was sending them out as sheep among wolves. Because the message he was preaching was new and quite frankly, not very popular among a majority.


Christians are charged with the task of doing God's work, not man's.


Christ was crucified, John got beheaded, Paul was imprisoned, Martin Luther wasn't too popular either.


The point being, it was hardly dumb of him to say what he did, even if it meant reverting to living in a shack and eating garbage as a result.

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He absolutely knows he is accountable for what he says and does, which is exactly why he said what he said.


Then he needs to have that conversation with his family because there is an apparent disconnect and they clearly common sense about what I noted above that just because he has a "right" to do something doesn't mean exercising such opinions vocally without thinking others are going to react to what was said. How dumb are they? Apparently pretty damn dumb if they failed to realize the constitution doesn't prevent society from responding to hateful speech.


The family called into question the future of the show.

"We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty," it said.



If there is a God, who's opinion do you think matters more? Society's, or God's?

That's an individuals call. Me, I love my job and all that it allows me and my family to do. Last I checked, God isn't paying my mortgage or paying for my upcoming trip to Hawaii for the family. It's all moot as I doubt he'd care if put my livelihood at risk by inserting my foot in my mouth and playing chess one move at a time.


What did Jesus say to his disciples when he sent them out? He told them he was sending them out as sheep among wolves. Because the message he was preaching was new and quite frankly, not very popular among a majority.
The difference is the disciples didn't cry foul or bitch like the Duck-nuts. OMG, it's 2013 not 1954 and I said some crazy ass bible thumping shit publicly and I'll be damn if the employer that pays me millions doesn't look bad and fired me because I failed to consider or just didn't give a shit how my words would impact others.


The point being, it was hardly dumb of him to say what he did, even if it meant reverting to living in a shack and eating garbage as a result.
^^ if he and his familiy felt that way they would have just said their peace, dropped the mic and walked the fuck away not to say another word....but they didn't and they continue to bitch and cry foul based on a lack of understanding how society outside the backwoods works. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Having watched this family for 15+ years, I think they aren't really concerned that he was fired with a "hey you can't do that" but more of a "shit they own about 70% of our brand for another 1 1/2 years"
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I see what you are saying truckin, but that's how a society works. Values, opinions, and what is acceptable changes. Those who maintain old beliefs are, of course, going to pay a cost for it if they live in the public sphere. I think that a lot of what is being expressed is a frustration that times are changing and some people are not. I take away a couple of things from this story. First, the reporter that did the interview obviously took advantage of the guy. He knew what his beliefs were and he knew what the result of publishing the article would be, but he did it to sell magazines. Second, the duck dynasty guy shouldn't be shocked about what happens when he makes comments comparing a portion of viewers to people who have sex with dogs and talks about how happy black people were in the old south when his job depends on people liking him and, in a sense, invite him into their homes. I am a minority so I am sure that I feel differently when I hear these things than you do, and that's ok. There are many media outlets where he can say things like this and will become more popular (Fox News, Syndicated radio, etc..) but a mainstream network like A&E is, apparently, not one of them.


I agree with ya



People shouldn't be shocked to hear someone from the deep south who's roots are deep in tradition and his way of life and faith be opposed to Gay marriage, rights etc. It's not a shock. And I find a hard time believing A&E is shocked by this as well.


As for the Black comment, non of us were there. He could be 100% accurate or lying out his teeth. Only he knows what he saw with his eyes. A lot of things of various degree happened during the course of History.


I'm a 1/4 Cherokee my mother more so and her mother Full, a lot of my ancestors were Native American. Many of these proud people were beaten, raped, murdered, enslaved, forced off their land promised things that never came. I feel very strong and proud to have Cherokee blood and lineage in my Makeup. But I'm not offended everytime someone laughs at a Native American in dress, or speaks of how they were savages and deserved what they got. Talk about a People getting fucked over......


In the end society and mainly the media have become thin skinned to opinions. It's an opinion who cares what peoples opinions are.....they're like assholes everyone has one. Unless it's against what others believe then its an issue.

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Having watched this family for 15+ years, I think they aren't really concerned that he was fired with a "hey you can't do that" but more of a "shit they own about 70% of our brand for another 1 1/2 years"



I agree. He probably doesn't care. The fact that he/they are likely in the midst of their oh-shit moment about who owns their brand is my point. He didn't likely think his statements through. Should this crash and burn his show, the brand isn't likely to have much value left beyond some residual fans.

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^^ if he and his familiy felt that way they would have just said their peace, dropped the mic and walked the fuck away not to say another word....but they didn't and they continue to bitch and cry foul based on a lack of understanding how society outside the backwards swamp works.


Why do they or anyone else need to conform to a part of society that they don't believe in? Quite honestly without your faith, and values ( and those are different for everyone) nothing else matters. If you sellout on that you've sold out on your life.

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Why do they or anyone else need to conform to a part of society that they don't believe in? Quite honestly without your faith, and values ( and those are different for everyone) nothing else matters. If you sellout on that you've sold out on your life.


I'm not implying they do. My comments are about their reaction in the press and some of what I've seen of others reacting.


They don't have to conform but to do what he did and then act shocked as if the constitution or their faith is going to shield them from the rest of the worlds reactions is a bit short sighted don't you think?

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I agree. He probably doesn't care. The fact that he/they are likely in the midst of their oh-shit moment about who owns their brand is my point. He didn't likely think his statements through. Should this crash and burn his show, the brand isn't likely to have much value left beyond some residual fans.


No the problem is the opposite. The brand has had value before the show. Before the show they were doing ~$30 million in duck call sales alone. The question really is, how much of Duck Commander does A&E get their hands on for that time period

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I agree. He probably doesn't care. The fact that he/they are likely in the midst of their oh-shit moment about who owns their brand is my point. He didn't likely think his statements through. Should this crash and burn his show, the brand isn't likely to have much value left beyond some residual fans.


They made a ton of money before this show and will make a ton of money without the show, I'm a fan of the show, It's honestly the only show on TV where you can watch as a family, and family means everything in the show and is backed by faith. I'm not a Faith nut by anymeans, but we need more shows like this in our society.


I think they should walk away, piss on A&E. Stick to family and Faith.

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No the problem is the opposite. The brand has had value before the show. Before the show they were doing ~$30 million in duck call sales alone. The question really is, how much of Duck Commander does A&E get their hands on for that time period


I'm not sure they own anything regards to Duck/Buck Commander. Duck Dynasty mech, products etc yes. Be interesting to know though wouldn't it.


In the end A&E will fold to the Robertsons. They can't afford to lose the #1 Show in TV History. Their is a HUGE following and support for the family. A&E will be a loser in this fight. Look at Chic Fil A. stronger than ever

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No the problem is the opposite. The brand has had value before the show. Before the show they were doing ~$30 million in duck call sales alone.


They made a ton of money before this show and will make a ton of money without the show, I'm not a Faith nut by any means, but we need more shows like this in our society. I think they should walk away, piss on A&E. Stick to family and Faith.


I'll stand corrected...but the intent of my comments about brand was referencing the show and show related stuff. I forgot the duck call sales, etc.

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I'm not sure they own anything regards to Duck/Buck Commander. Duck Dynasty mech, products etc yes. Be interesting to know though wouldn't it.

I think there are a lot of crossover products.

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I'm not implying they do. My comments are about their reaction in the press and some of what I've seen of others reacting.


They don't have to conform but to do what he did and then act shocked as if the constitution or their faith is going to shield them from the rest of the worlds reactions is a bit short sighted don't you think?


I see what your saying. They shouldn't be shocked, but this is all they know. this is how society is in their area. I don't think they are that naïve, but I also don't think the majority of the world is against his opinion on Gays. The media is the puppet master here.


At what point do we tell people a group in society overrules your faith?

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I also don't think the majority of the world is against his opinion on Gays. At what point do we tell people a group in society overrules your faith?


The reverse point is true as well. At what point do we tell people (lesbian/gays) that the opinion of the the majority (who for the sake of discussion let's say holds his viewpoint/hatred) over rules their choice of who they have sex with? Is it right for Phil's who claims to have a deeply religious faith and be such a bible follower to imply his faith is greater than what others choose? Who is the ultimate judge of his fellow man, God or him?


WTF is with his arrogance to think he can go out in the national spotlight and use his clout/popularity to bash others? A&E doing what they did is ironically funny. They are using their power to fuck him right back. I would imagine it doesn't feel to good. Perhaps he is thinking about how the shoe fits when it's on the other foot. In the end, he doesn't exactly strike me as the type of guy/belief that I would want my kids watching.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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It's not about Duck Dynasty, Duck Commander, Phil Robertson, If you like the show or not. It's about freedom of speech freedom of opinion freedom of stating your beliefs.


That freedom is GONE!! unless your views are with main stream media or liberal. It's what we have fought and died for over 200 years. And we as a weak ass bitch society have let this happen.






^^^^^^ 100% truth ^^^^^^

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The reverse point is true as well. At what point do we tell people (lesbian/gays) that the opinion of the the majority (who for the sake of discussion let's say holds his viewpoint/hatred) over rules their choice of who they have sex with? Is it right for Phil's who claims to have a deeply religious faith and be such a bible follower to imply his faith is greater than what others choose? Who is the ultimate judge of his fellow man, God or him?



Thank you. No faith is being overruled here. No one is being forced what to believe.


Does anyone recall this image?




There is a strikingly similar scenario at play here today. I'm not about to argue statistics over the opinion of the majority, but if we wish to progress as a society we must look back at our past. If a persons sexuality was as clear as the color of their skin, do you not think there would be people lining the doors of our schools, churches, libraries, threatening them not to enter?


I will fight all day for you to have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. With that comes someones right to express their own sexuality. Does one right trump the other? No. The motive at play today is that a man was fired because he expressed a opinion that his employers found to be detrimental to the company. It was his employers opinion that it was best for him to leave. Sadly, this thread on the other hand has become an ill fated place full of of what everyone wants as their perfect society. Do you really think the past was better? Maybe some of you, where you didn't have to defend your actions or words. Do some of you really want to go back to the days Jim Crow law? Does no one but a heterosexual Christian white male deserve to exist?


To all of you think that the past was a better time, I remind you that just 33 years ago, 19 year old Michael Donald was lynched in Mobile, Alabama. 15 years ago, 48 year old Shawn Allen Berry was dragged to death behind a truck. Racism is far from gone in this country, and so is hate against LGBT persons. While many major hurdles have been accomplished, there is still a unfathomable amount of negative opinions against all walks of life. Unfortunately, Phil Robertson beliefs happen to coincide with those views, views that are harmful in a society that must progress if we wish to not repeat the past. This is not an attack on Christianity or religion in general. In this country there are tens of millions of practicing Christians that accept people regardless of their character.


For God shows no partiality.
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The motive at play today is that a man was fired because he expressed a opinion that his employers found to be detrimental to the company.


Not disagreeing with your statements but I think losing DD is more detrimental.


To all of you think that the past was a better time, I remind you that just 33 years ago, 19 year old Michael Donald was lynched in Mobile, Alabama. 15 years ago, 48 year old Shawn Allen Berry was dragged to death behind a truck. Racism is far from gone in this country, and so is hate against LGBT persons. While many major hurdles have been accomplished, there is still a unfathomable amount of negative opinions against all walks of life. Unfortunately, Phil Robertson beliefs happen to coincide with those views, views that are harmful in a society that must progress if we wish to not repeat the past. This is not an attack on Christianity or religion in general. In this country there are tens of millions of practicing Christians that accept people regardless of their character.


I don't think he hates anyone, but that's what he's being labeled as. shrug.jpg

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If Christians don't like gay people for being gay then that's another really good reason not to be a Christian.


And thanks to all of your for the tips on freedom of speech. Next time my employer tries to fire me for calling him an incompetent, worthless piece of shit, I'm going to invoke the 1st Amendment. HOW U LIKE THEM APPLES BOSSMAN?

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