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The reverse point is true as well. At what point do we tell people (lesbian/gays) that the opinion of the the majority (who for the sake of discussion let's say holds his viewpoint/hatred) over rules their choice of who they have sex with? Is it right for Phil's who claims to have a deeply religious faith and be such a bible follower to imply his faith is greater than what others choose? Who is the ultimate judge of his fellow man, God or him?



True.....I agree, But tell me why when someone disagrees with that lifestyle is automatically a homophobe a gay basher crazy religious nut? How come Gays and lesbians can flaunt their beliefs in public and in the media and have demonstrations based on their beliefs ( which is their right ) but a non believer in that lifestyle is held to a different standard? Is it all not freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc?


I honestly could careless if someone wants to have sex with a person of the same sex or get married to a same sex partner. It's not my lifestyle, I don't believe in it but I'm not preaching for or against it either. The difference is if you don't believe in that lifestyle you do not have the same rights ( from a society standpoint ) to voice your opinion. That's a fact. Your labeled and outcast and should be put in your place.



WTF is with his arrogance to think he can go out in the national spotlight and use his clout/popularity to bash others? A&E doing what they did is ironically funny. They are using their power to fuck him right back. I would imagine it doesn't feel to good. Perhaps he is thinking about how the shoe fits when it's on the other foot. In the end, he doesn't exactly strike me as the type of guy/belief that I would want my kids watching./////////////////


I don't see anywhere where he went out into the national spotlight and used his fame to bash others? He was interviewed by GQ and he answered a question. How is that actively going out to bash other's? He didn't make a Commerical or stand on the courthouse steps or go on Letterman and say those words. He doesn't preach against it on the show everyweek.


I don't think he's second guessing himself at all, if someone feels that strongly about his faith and beliefs no matter what the issue is. Your not second guessing it.


As for kids watching it, My kids watch the show both my wife and I watch it most of our family watches it, hell prob 90% off the people in my area watch it. I'm happy my kids have the opportunity and choose to watch a show that does not involve cussing, fighting, people getting shot, stabbed, use of drugs or alcohol, women showing off their tits etc etc etc which is our main stream media these days. Instead a show that has a REAL FAMILY with strong family values and a strong family bond, taking care of your neighbors, eating meals together and ending on a prayer.....I'll take everytime. And seems like a majority of the country does as well as it's the #1 show in TV History.


The media and the gay and Lesbian groups are the ones using fame and clout to push their ideals down our throats. If you don't believe in the lifestyle, believe marriage is between a man and woman your the problem! People are tired of being told what we need to accept.



This discussion could go on till the end of time.




What I find Ironic is AE suspended Phil from the show........yet from now till Xmas AE is running a DD marathon. LOL. AE has the most to loose here.

Edited by truckin
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True.....I agree, But tell me why when someone disagrees with that lifestyle is automatically a homophobe a gay basher crazy religious nut?


I don't see people who disagree being labeled as such. He also didn't just disagree. He goes off quoting the bible, and even back just a couple years ago made a speech where he called same-sex sexual activities shameful and perverted and causing God to bring his wrath upon us.


Now I'll admit, I'm not a fan of guys banging guys and can certainly hold my own in a debate against it, but I'm not going to thump bibles and say stuff like that.


How come Gays and lesbians can flaunt their beliefs in public and in the media and have demonstrations based on their beliefs ( which is their right ) but a non believer in that lifestyle is held to a different standard? Is it all not freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc?
Because non believers aren't scrutinized or bashed. Does anyone really not see gays being discriminated against? Are heteros discriminated against in the same way? Heteros are not the minority in the world. Just about every TV Ad out there puts the hetero lifestyle in the face of everyone.


Yes it is all just freedom of speech and religion, but one must use common sense and brainpower to realize that there are impacts on others when they spout off holding their first amendment card in hand. Again, those around him are going to react and yes, his employer could can his show.


I honestly could careless if someone wants to have sex with a person of the same sex or get married to a same sex partner. It's not my lifestyle, I don't believe in it but I'm not preaching for or against it either. The difference is if you don't believe in that lifestyle you do not have the same rights ( from a society standpoint ) to voice your opinion. That's a fact. Your labeled and outcast and should be put in your place.
Like you, it's not my thing either. However, you and I both absotlutely still hold the same right to voice our opinion. How has his right our our right to do so been squashed? You're confusing a LEGAL right or being arrested for such a thing with a SOCIETAL reaction to what we might say. They are two different things. No ones RIGHTS were stiffled here.


He's allowed and within his rights to speak and post videos, conduct interviews with GQ. However, society as a whole, even those in the minority and yes, even A&E are equally allowed to speak back.


I don't see anywhere where he went out into the national spotlight and used his fame to bash others? He was interviewed by GQ and he answered a question. How is that actively going out to bash other's? He didn't make a Commerical or stand on the courthouse steps or go on Letterman and say those words. He doesn't preach against it on the show everyweek.

Look, he carries a HUGE Following and millions know who he is, etc. Going out to GQ or anywhere that will be picked up by Yahoo, etc. is going out in the national spotlight. Again, why the hell would he even go down the path of answering such questions? Didn't he even pause for a second to ask himself why was he being asked such a question? Did his publicist or agent not get a copy of all the questions ahead of time? Really? He was blind to being "baited" which again, is ironic given he makes duck call devices, etc. I LOL about it all actually because the irony is so strong.


He's also made speeches that he knows are being taped and thrown up online. Sure, he's within his "rights" to do so, but some common sense about his actions was lacking. Especially given his TV image. But hey, as noted, he probably does know but just doesn't care. He plays chess one move at a time and doesn't care. That's very typical of the hard-lined religious nuts out there. They don't care if you believe what they believe because they are going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell.


As for kids watching it, My kids watch the show both my wife and I watch it most of our family watches it, hell prob 90% off the people in my area watch it. I'm happy my kids have the opportunity and choose to watch a show that does not involve cussing, fighting, people getting shot, stabbed, use of drugs or alcohol, women showing off their tits etc etc etc which is our main stream media these days.
I'm with you....I don't let my kids watch much of the crap on TV today.


Instead a show that has a REAL FAMILY with strong family values and a strong family bond, taking care of your neighbors, eating meals together and ending on a prayer.....I'll take everytime. And seems like a majority of the country does as well as it's the #1 show in TV History.
Given the religious make up of our country it's not surprising that such a show could drive viewers. I grew up catholic and while I don't practice today, I carry over a mixture of solid beliefs to my kids. My son knows I don't support or believe in gay lifestyles but he also knows it's not in our values to take a hard-lined religious view and shun them or speak as Phil does. I also educate them on the impact of their words and their right and to realize there are impacts within society which go beyond rights.


The media and the gay and Lesbian groups are the ones using fame and clout to push their ideals down our throats. If you don't believe in the lifestyle, believe marriage is between a man and woman your the problem! People are tired of being told what we need to accept.
Re-read your last statement. That holds true for EVERYONE; including gays and people who don't hold the religious values that Phil does.
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True.....I agree, But tell me why when someone disagrees with that lifestyle is automatically a homophobe a gay basher crazy religious nut? How come Gays and lesbians can flaunt their beliefs in public and in the media and have demonstrations based on their beliefs ( which is their right ) but a non believer in that lifestyle is held to a different standard? Is it all not freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc?


Yeah, those gays have it so easy. When are people going to finally stand up for the Christian majority?!?

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And thanks to all of your for the tips on freedom of speech. Next time my employer tries to fire me for calling him an incompetent, worthless piece of shit, I'm going to invoke the 1st Amendment. HOW U LIKE THEM APPLES BOSSMAN?


1) He didn't say, "A&E is worthless because..."

2) He was asked his opinion on a subject. If your employer said, "Hey, what do you think about punting puppies into a river?" do you stand for what you believe or say, "Yeah, you like punting puppies into the river so I'm gonna go with that"?


As stated, he wasn't campaigning anywhere and I have yet to see anywhere where he even mentions A&E.


Again, shrug.jpg

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Nothing he really said comes off as offensive. The quote itself is such a garbled up thought, that it had people looking for context, as opposed to content, to find it offensive.

He's not going around actively oppressing people, or anything like that, it's just an opinion. Let the crazy swamp people think what they want to about vaginas and anuses.

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Nothing he really said comes off as offensive. The quote itself is such a garbled up thought, that it had people looking for context, as opposed to content, to find it offensive.

He's not going around actively oppressing people, or anything like that, it's just an opinion. Let the crazy swamp people think what they want to about vaginas and anuses.



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1) He didn't say, "A&E is worthless because..."

2) He was asked his opinion on a subject. If your employer said, "Hey, what do you think about punting puppies into a river?" do you stand for what you believe or say, "Yeah, you like punting puppies into the river so I'm gonna go with that"?


As stated, he wasn't campaigning anywhere and I have yet to see anywhere where he even mentions A&E.


Again, shrug.jpg


More false equivalence BS. Punting puppies into a river would be almost universally disapproved of, and would not illicit much movement of the outrage needle if someone railed against punting puppies into a river during an interview. Two adults deciding they make each other happy is totally JUST LIKE HORRIBLE ANIMAL ABUSE.


Tilley isn't saying the only way an employer can fire you is if you're critical of them directly, just using an example of how your right to free speech means jack shit to your attachment or separation to payroll.


Nothing he really said comes off as offensive. The quote itself is such a garbled up thought, that it had people looking for context, as opposed to content, to find it offensive.

He's not going around actively oppressing people, or anything like that, it's just an opinion. Let the crazy swamp people think what they want to about vaginas and anuses.


Yup, drawing comparisons between being gay, and bestiality is totally inoffensive. What is it with the rape, or murder of animals?

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1) He didn't say, "A&E is worthless because..."

2) He was asked his opinion on a subject. If your employer said, "Hey, what do you think about punting puppies into a river?" do you stand for what you believe or say, "Yeah, you like punting puppies into the river so I'm gonna go with that"?


As stated, he wasn't campaigning anywhere and I have yet to see anywhere where he even mentions A&E.


Again, shrug.jpg


I didn't know the person interviewing him was his employer.


I also didn't know anyone could possibly miss the sarcasm in the post you quoted.



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Nothing he really said comes off as offensive. The quote itself is such a garbled up thought, that it had people looking for context, as opposed to content, to find it offensive.

He's not going around actively oppressing people, or anything like that, it's just an opinion. Let the crazy swamp people think what they want to about vaginas and anuses.


I generally find stupidity to be offensive.

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And thanks to all of your for the tips on freedom of speech. Next time my employer tries to fire me for calling him an incompetent, worthless piece of shit, I'm going to invoke the 1st Amendment. HOW U LIKE THEM APPLES BOSSMAN?



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Nothing he really said comes off as offensive.


Phil Robertson from 2010 called and wants to clarify his views.


"They (homosexuals) committed indecent acts with one another," said Robertson, clad in his usual camouflage, in the video posted on the church's YouTube page, which has drawn fresh attention in the wake of Robertson's suspension from one of the most-watched shows on cable television.


"And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion," he added. "They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."


Makes his comments in GQ seem almost family friendly, right? I'm thinking the real shame here is that A&E put this guy on the air in the first place.

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More false equivalence BS. Punting puppies into a river would be almost universally disapproved of, and would not illicit much movement of the outrage needle if someone railed against punting puppies into a river during an interview. Two adults deciding they make each other happy is totally JUST LIKE HORRIBLE ANIMAL ABUSE.


I feel like I'm watching Whose Line Is It Anyway? and the audience suggestion that you got was "guy who takes everything literally and way too serious". :lol:


Fine. Your employer says, instead of kicking puppies, all people of a certain race should be scrubbed from the earth (since you yourself compared gay rights to civil rights, which I too see a correlation with). Do you stand up for what you believe or roll with it WHEN ASKED YOUR OPINION?


I didn't know the person interviewing him was his employer.


I also didn't know anyone could possibly miss the sarcasm in the post you quoted.




Fair enough. Scenario is now, since puppy kicking is out the window, word gets out that employer is Hitler V2. You love your job. Attention comes to you since you're a prestigious employee and the masses want to know your thoughts. Do you stand for what you believe in?


As for what I said about respecting yours, and everyones opinion and saying I intended NO sarcasm, I meant that. You can ask anyone that knows me personally. Anthony, Doc, Clay, DJ, Steve, Mitch...I don't get upset over what's posted online. I don't judge. Even if I don't agree I'm always respectful. That's the way I was raised.


One of my favorite quotes I've heard in a sermon relating to God's love and how we should treat others is this: "I love you (everyone). My love is not conditional on you loving me back." (Let's not take the "love" part of that somewhere it doesn't need to go. :lol:)


Phil Robertson from 2010 called and wants to clarify his views.


Makes his comments in GQ seem almost family friendly, right? I'm thinking the real shame here is that A&E put this guy on the air in the first place.


Sooo...do people rally against A&E now? Probably not. shrugsallaround.gif

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I feel like I'm watching Whose Line Is It Anyway? and the audience suggestion that you got was "guy who takes everything literally and way too serious". :lol:



I feel like I'm reading an internet thread where "that one guy keeps telling everyone how sarcastic he's being, every time he gets called out for logical fallacies." This reminds me of a Facebook meme going around right now where it depicts something like the following.


"How can America be for this?"


(Picture of Miley Cyrus being a slut.)


"But against this?!?!"


(Picture of Duck Dynasty family praying together.)


Because that's totally what everyone is offended by, all the wholesomey fucking goodness of the Robertson clan. That's what pisses all of those leftist, Christian-hating, Hollywood elitist pricks right off, the fact that they pray together, not the idiotic comparisons between gays and sheepfucking rapists. It's the prayer.




So if I'm missing "actual intended sarcasm", behind the cavalcade of stupidity that the fans of this man and show have trotted out in his defense forgive me. Though in fairness, "guy who literally had a picture of the subject at hand as a personal avatar" it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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I feel like I'm reading an internet thread where "that one guy keeps telling everyone how sarcastic he's being, every time he gets called out for logical fallacies." This reminds me of a Facebook meme going around right now where it depicts something like the following.


"How can America be for this?"


(Picture of Miley Cyrus being a slut.)


"But against this?!?!"


(Picture of Duck Dynasty family praying together.)


Because that's totally what everyone is offended by, all the wholesomey fucking goodness of the Robertson clan. That's what pisses all of those leftist, Christian-hating, Hollywood elitist pricks right off, the fact that they pray together, not the idiotic comparisons between gays and sheepfucking rapists. It's the prayer.




So if I'm missing "actual intended sarcasm", behind the cavalcade of stupidity that the fans of this man and show have trotted out in his defense forgive me. Though in fairness, "guy who literally had a picture of the subject at hand as a personal avatar" it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Again, the pic of Si as my avatar isn't b/c I'm a homer fan. I grew a rockin' beard. Looked for a rockin' beard photo. Found meh that fit specified avatar sized. Used Si's. It wasn't even Phil. ;)


I watch the show. Not to a fault, since I don't have cable, but if I'm at my folks house or something and it's on I'll watch it. Being a fan of a show doesn't mean I think someone should be able to get away with something. I'm a HUGE OSU fan. If a player or coach does something shady...gotta pay the piper. Their status doesn't make it ok.


My whole point in this thread, and I apologize if I came off as a Phil loving hater of ANYONE here, is this: when asked an opinion, we as Americans SHOULD be able to express said opinions without fear of repercussions. No, it's not popular, but let GLAAD and such do their thing. Stating your beliefs and standing for them is a freedom not afforded in some countries. I feel it's one we should have. Yeah, yeah, I get the whole "the gubmint did nothing! It's not a matter of free speech!" but in reality, it is. He express freely in his own words his beliefs, and got crapped on. To be fair, a friend of mine (who is gay ironically enough) and I have had this convo (not about Phil, but about people talking about/speaking out against homosexuals in various ways) and he has attended marches and such. Both of us agree that anyone has a right to their opinion/beliefs and a right to stand up for them as long as they're not harming others. What I see when Phil says he doesn't agree with homosexuality (even if he does take it to the extreme) is no different than what I see when a "kiss in" goes down. Both parties expressing what they believe.


I get that he got fired. I just think it's super scrubby the way A&E is coming out as being "right" in what they're doing and the media for trying to slander the family and dig up the past. Start with our politicians. Let's fire them first. There have been some crappy ones in the past who have said/done some moronic things and are still chillin' in their position.


As DJ pointed out, Phils stance is nothing new, and A&E knew that, put on the show, made millions then threw him under the bus. Does that really not seem shady to anyone else?


I don't have anything against anyone, here or anywhere else. I'm totally fine with everyone's beliefs and opinions on CR. No, I don't agree with them all, but I don't agree with my wife 100% of the time either and I love her more than life itself.


Man, I truly hope I'm not coming across as hating homosexuals, you guys, or anyone else. Simply not me.

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What, America was for slut-Miley? Because I seem to remember her being raked through the coals in the court of public opinion for being a bad role model, and lots of people called for boycotts of everything she was associated with.


Christians need to remember that they hold a 78.4% majority in this country, and conservatives need to remember that they hold a 49% minority. Conservative Christians are still the goddamn norm around here, and yet they still get pissy that they don't always get their way. It's amazing.

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Again, the pic of Si as my avatar isn't b/c I'm a homer fan. I grew a rockin' beard. Looked for a rockin' beard photo. Found meh that fit specified avatar sized. Used Si's. It wasn't even Phil. ;)


I watch the show. Not to a fault, since I don't have cable, but if I'm at my folks house or something and it's on I'll watch it. Being a fan of a show doesn't mean I think someone should be able to get away with something.


My whole point in this thread, and I apologize if I came off as a Phil loving hater of ANYONE here, is this: when asked an opinion, we as Americans SHOULD be able to express said opinions without fear of repercussions. No, it's not popular, but let GLAAD and such do their thing.


As DJ pointed out, Phils stance is nothing new, and A&E knew that, put on the show, made millions then threw him under the bus. Does that really not seem shady to anyone else?


I don't have anything against anyone, here or anywhere else. I'm totally fine with everyone's beliefs and opinions on CR. No, I don't agree with them all, but I don't agree with my wife 100% of the time either and I love her more than life itself.


Man, I truly hope I'm not coming across as hating homosexuals, you guys, or anyone else. Simply not me.


Fair enough, and I don't think you're a hater of gays, or me (we've had plenty of agreements on other subjects such as 2a) or anyone else in here, but I have to disagree on your point that one should be able to express opinions without repercussions. Repercussions are a bi-product of having the freedom to express oneself.

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My whole point in this thread, and I apologize if I came off as a Phil loving hater of ANYONE here, is this: when asked an opinion, we as Americans SHOULD be able to express said opinions without fear of repercussions. No, it's not popular, but let GLAAD and such do their thing.


As DJ pointed out, Phils stance is nothing new, and A&E knew that, put on the show, made millions then threw him under the bus. Does that really not seem shady to anyone else?


Sure it's shady, especially knowing now about the 2010 speech where he goes all Baptist preacher on America.


I'm just really not sure where you draw the line on what "repercussions" are acceptable. Certainly I'm allowed to form an opinion about Phil Robertson based on what he says, and I'm allowed to stop supporting A&E because of it, right? And if a lot of people express a similar opinion, Phil Robertson may face repercussions for his words, right? I think we can all agree with that. On the other hand, I don't think the government should come in and tell A&E to pull Duck Dynasty off the air, because that's a pretty blatant first amendment violation; can we all agree with that?


So clearly some repercussions are kosher, and some aren't. And to be fair, your involvement in this thread on page one displayed a common misunderstanding of our constitutional rights.


There shouldn't be any "consequences". If someone asks your opinion and you answer honestly do you expect backlash to this degree? Freedom of speech? Nah. Went out the window long ago. Freedom of religion? Forget about it.


I don't think you need to defend Phil Robertson or anything -- you seem to disagree with him and his tactics -- but when you make statements like that, about how his freedoms are being violated, yeah, you'd better be prepared to defend those.


Feel free to continue to criticize A&E for making what you feel is the wrong business decision, even if you feel it's wrong on moral grounds, but be careful extrapolating from there.

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Fair enough, and I don't think you're a hater of gays, or me (we've had plenty of agreements on other subjects such as 2a) or anyone else in here, but I have to disagree on your point that one should be able to express opinions without repercussions. Repercussions are a bi-product of having the freedom to express oneself.


I can see that side of things and see that it happens. In some cases it's very unfortunate and, as with the politicians and other celebs who have said crap, shady. Chris Brown is back at it. Selling albums and crap. Everyone has forgotten (in that he's still able to hold the career he is) that he beat a women. Savagely.


Phil also said this, and I read this LONG before all of the GQ thing came to light.




I don't think he hates anyone. I really don't like the media. The way they quote and spin things always makes me question the reality (in every story we read). I'm not saying he didn't say those things. I'm not saying people won't get upset. I'm jsut saying he stood for what he believes in and is getting judgement unfair in comparison to others. I dunno, maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough on here.

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Sure it's shady, especially knowing now about the 2010 speech where he goes all Baptist preacher on America.


I'm just really not sure where you draw the line on what "repercussions" are acceptable. Certainly I'm allowed to form an opinion about Phil Robertson based on what he says, and I'm allowed to stop supporting A&E because of it, right? And if a lot of people express a similar opinion, Phil Robertson may face repercussions for his words, right? I think we can all agree with that. On the other hand, I don't think the government should come in and tell A&E to pull Duck Dynasty off the air, because that's a pretty blatant first amendment violation; can we all agree with that?


So clearly some repercussions are kosher, and some aren't. And to be fair, your involvement in this thread on page one displayed a common misunderstanding of our constitutional rights.




I don't think you need to defend Phil Robertson or anything -- you seem to disagree with him and his tactics -- but when you make statements like that, about how his freedoms are being violated, yeah, you'd better be prepared to defend those.


Feel free to continue to criticize A&E for making what you feel is the wrong business decision, even if you feel it's wrong on moral grounds, but be careful extrapolating from there.



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I think A&E just played him like a poker hand, they knew what they had when they got dealt, and they played it happily till the cards came up ugly. I honestly won't be surprised at all if he ends up back on the show after shit calms down. There's obviously been a huge backlash to the backlash. I mean Eminem duo'd with "the gayest man since Sir Elton John, Sir Elton John", and everyone completely forgot his BS.
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I can see that side of things and see that it happens. In some cases it's very unfortunate and, as with the politicians and other celebs who have said crap, shady. Chris Brown is back at it. Selling albums and crap. Everyone has forgotten (in that he's still able to hold the career he is) that he beat a women. Savagely.


Phil also said this, and I read this LONG before all of the GQ thing came to light.




I don't think he hates anyone. I really don't like the media. The way they quote and spin things always makes me question the reality (in every story we read). I'm not saying he didn't say those things. I'm not saying people won't get upset. I'm jsut saying he stood for what he believes in and is getting judgement unfair in comparison to others. I dunno, maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough on here.




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