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Still doing the college ID's for MRM? :D



I certainly could! If you get one of those tickets lets try and plan ahead on a get together?Heard good things about this little spot because there's little traffic if any on the slopes.

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I'm on the fence about Clear Fork.


I used to go there for ski club and it was a dog track...think even smaller than MRM or Snow Trails. There is a reason it's only $15 but, if it doesn't expire, what the hell right?


I'm totally down for getting together for MRM...you buy a season pass?


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Anytime you guys go let me know. I went this past Saturday and it was decent but im pretty terrible at skiing


There is a reason it's only $15 but, if it doesn't expire, what the hell right?


Fine print of Groupon says that it expires March 31st 2014




Edit: I bought 3 of these groupons for me and 2 friends and we are talking about going up there the 11th if anyone else is interested.

Edited by Gergwheel
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Anytime you guys go let me know. I went this past Saturday and it was decent but im pretty terrible at skiing




Fine print of Groupon says that it expires March 31st 2014




Edit: I bought 3 of these groupons for me and 2 friends and we are talking about going up there the 11th if anyone else is interested.



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Old man on a sled...this could be interesting to watch! ;)



Find some terrain that I can't ride. Then we can have the "old man" talk. Until then, keep tripping over you twin planks.



12th work better for Ole Uncle Joe?


Unless in the evening, that weekend is getting pretty stacked.

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Find some terrain that I can't ride. Then we can have the "old man" talk. Until then, keep tripping over you twin planks.


Try carving this:http://www.google.com/imgres?start=116&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=3vCCR7pZv0tYpM:&imgrefurl=http://yaymicro.com/stock-image/numbered-empty-parking-lot/1947903&docid=An23Hk7XvXFHxM&imgurl=http://image.yaymicro.com/rz_512x512/0/876/numbered-empty-parking-lot-876ffd.jpg&w=512&h=359&ei=rMTFUoS1F6amygGd8YDQCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=203&page=6&tbnh=141&tbnw=207&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:37,s:100,i:115&tx=106&ty=68


I snowboard. Skiing is for pussies. ;)


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Try carving this:http://www.google.com/imgres?start=116&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=3vCCR7pZv0tYpM:&imgrefurl=http://yaymicro.com/stock-image/numbered-empty-parking-lot/1947903&docid=An23Hk7XvXFHxM&imgurl=http://image.yaymicro.com/rz_512x512/0/876/numbered-empty-parking-lot-876ffd.jpg&w=512&h=359&ei=rMTFUoS1F6amygGd8YDQCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=203&page=6&tbnh=141&tbnw=207&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:37,s:100,i:115&tx=106&ty=68


I snowboard. Skiing is for pussies. ;)



I can niether confirm nor deny being towed by a car in a parking lot, while on a snowbaord. Why you starting friction with a fellow boarder? I will frontside 360, tail tap that ass.

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I can niether confirm nor deny being towed by a car in a parking lot, while on a snowbaord. Why you starting friction with a fellow boarder? I will frontside 360, tail tap that ass.


True story: I have seen Joe do a wheelie on a snow board.



Fact: Snow boards don't have wheels!! MIND BLOWN

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I can niether confirm nor deny being towed by a car in a parking lot, while on a snowbaord. Why you starting friction with a fellow boarder? I will frontside 360, tail tap that ass.


LOL. I love being towed behind a car. I used to make jumps behind the Giant Eagle in Powell on snowdays in high school and tear it up! I can only imagine how difficult it would be when there isn't any snow... ;)


No friction baby...just friendly banter.


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