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i wont buy EITHER till all the bugs are out of it...read all the probs ppl are having!!!!! and also when it they switch to the 3g network and NOT the shitty 2g network!!!! At&t sucks anywho and unless they give me the 3g i wont buy shit for at&t.......and still then, when apple hits the 3-4 gen iphone then ill think about it :)

my 2 cents

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I bought one and it's my first "smartphone" and I really like it. Yes, it's not perfect, nothing is. But I feel it was money well spent, for me anyway. It's small and thin enough to fit in my riding jackets without a problem, I can look up weather maps, regular Google Earth maps and websites while out in the field quickly enough, and the screen is as clear as a bell.

I'll buy the improved version when it comes out but for now this works well enough for me. Yea, 3G will be great but I was in the cellular industry in '98 when they said Bluetooth was coming "soon," and it took YEARS for it to finally arrive.

The iPhone is really a small computer and it's great that someone brought something out that will get all the industry to step up to another level. If nothing else, this will be the breakthrough that will get the ball rolling to better and better handsets in the future that really deliver.

This is the CBR900RR of the smartphone era, you watch.

And I never owned anything Apple, before, not even an iPod.

Gawd, now I own both an Apple product AND a Honda...what is happening to me? Have I taken crazy pills by mistake? :eek: What happened to my Gixxer and my Nextel?

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I bought one and it's my first "smartphone" and I really like it. Yes, it's not perfect, nothing is. But I feel it was money well spent, for me anyway. It's small and thin enough to fit in my riding jackets without a problem, I can look up weather maps, regular Google Earth maps and websites while out in the field quickly enough, and the screen is as clear as a bell.

I'll buy the improved version when it comes out but for now this works well enough for me. Yea, 3G will be great but I was in the cellular industry in '98 when they said Bluetooth was coming "soon," and it took YEARS for it to finally arrive.

The iPhone is really a small computer and it's great that someone brought something out that will get all the industry to step up to another level. If nothing else, this will be the breakthrough that will get the ball rolling to better and better handsets in the future that really deliver.

This is the CBR900RR of the smartphone era, you watch.

And I never owned anything Apple, before, not even an iPod.

Gawd, now I own both an Apple product AND a Honda...what is happening to me? Have I taken crazy pills by mistake? :eek: What happened to my Gixxer and my Nextel?

Errrrr the iPhone isn't a smartphone. It's a media phone.

Sorry bro but the iPhone is an over priced, trend item. Just like the iPods. They will come out with smaller ones, ones with "improved' capability, and ones in shiny new colors and people will continue to eat up Apples over priced junk. You're not paying for a good product, you're paying to be trendy.

Hell the fact that you can't easily replace the battery is a sign Apple is screwing customers. Nearly every other cell phone on the market has a user replaceable battery, on top of that, Apple went through a ton of crap over the battery in the iPod.

Internet access that isn't 3G???? Have fun being bent over. The fact that the US is far behind other countries when it comes to cell phone networks is bad enough, not giving you 3G (which we've had for years...) on a phone that costs that much is laughing while they fuck you over.

Don't get me wrong it does some cool things. I'm usually the type to go out and buy stuff like this instantly. I was actually excited about this until I really started getting reviews and talking to people who had seen it. After that I (and others) became dumbfounded at all the hype it continued to have.

Throw the screen and some of the UI components on a Treo and then you've got a perfect phone.

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JohnMac.....Can you buy me one? I'll wash your bike.

Lol, if you can find a speck of dirt on his bike I'll buy you the Iphone. He keeps that thing spotless. It rained on the way back to Columbus with the bikes on the trailer. My bike was dirty but his was spotless. I think it's protected by the dark side of the force. :nono:

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