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Got a question. We just got time warners road runner turbo internet installed (20 mbps down). We got there modem which is a newer arris model, but i provided my own wireless router which is a linksys e1200 n router.


I do have my xbox wired to it and other than last night when i was on my phone and playing cod, i havent had any issues with the xbox connection. Although on the other hand, my wireless connection on my phone (galaxy s3) always sucks. It constantly has to rebuffer on videos, never had this issue even on slower internet connections. I downloaded one of those speed test apps on my phone and was only at 5 mbps down. Dont have currently have a computer to test a wired connection.


Any tricks i can try to see what the modem is doing? This thing has some retarded password of the day you have to know to be able to get into it and i cant get into the router from my phone to check settings or anything

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Did you try just simply rebooting it by pulling the power on both routers and then plugging the time warner in wait two mins then plug the netgear back in and see if there is any change?


The phone should get the same speed or a little less than your wired PC, I get similar results testing from my wifi laptop or phone.


Or call them up to see if there is an issue on your connection.

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Have you setup wireless encryption on your router yet? If so, what type are you using (WEP, WPA, WPA2)?


-If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, go to your command prompt (start > type cmd.exe) and type ipconfig and make note of your default gateway

-It should be or

-Type that number into your web browser and it'll take you to your router's login, where you can fuck with its options. The default login should be Admin/Password (or no password at all) but you may have to check Google for that.


Order of security, lowest to highest:







Order of connection speed, slowest to fastest:





nothing (assuming your neighbors aren't using your shit)


Securing your connection slows it down a bit because the data has to be boxed up with pretty little ribbons and that bogs the connection speeds from 5-30%. Since you have a Wireless-N model, I would take advantage of the connection speed if you haven't already. However, if you are broadcasting with encryption/speeds your phone (or laptop etc) doesn't have the hardware for, you may have connectivity issues and will need to tone down the broadcast speed to 54mbps in your router settings. I've had trouble with that myself and can only use WPA encryption.

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Did you try just simply rebooting it by pulling the power on both routers and then plugging the time warner in wait two mins then plug the netgear back in and see if there is any change?


The phone should get the same speed or a little less than your wired PC, I get similar results testing from my wifi laptop or phone.


Or call them up to see if there is an issue on your connection.


Yep tried this twice. Im just avoiding calling them till last. I hate sitting on the phone for hours lol

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Have you setup wireless encryption on your router yet? If so, what type are you using (WEP, WPA, WPA2)?


-If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, go to your command prompt (start > type cmd.exe) and type ipconfig and make note of your default gateway

-It should be or

-Type that number into your web browser and it'll take you to your router's login, where you can fuck with its options. The default login should be Admin/Password (or no password at all) but you may have to check Google for that.


Order of security, lowest to highest:







Order of connection speed, slowest to fastest:





nothing (assuming your neighbors aren't using your shit)


Securing your connection slows it down a bit because the data has to be boxed up with pretty little ribbons and that bogs the connection speeds from 5-30%. Since you have a Wireless-N model, I would take advantage of the connection speed if you haven't already. However, if you are broadcasting with encryption/speeds your phone (or laptop etc) doesn't have the hardware for, you may have connectivity issues and will need to tone down the broadcast speed to 54mbps in your router settings. I've had trouble with that myself and can only use WPA encryption.


Honestly, im not sure how its set up. I bought/used it at my parents house and they had the step below me internet wise which is like 10 mbps down, and i never really had issues unless multiple devices were using it, so all i ever messed with was the firewall stuff to have an open NAT on xbox. And currently i dont have a computer to be able to access the router and my phone wont let me

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