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How to deal with a coyote in town.......... Back counter perhaps?


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1. It's highly likely and about the norm (48 hours)


2. Vaccine isn't perfect and ppl are stupid and decline vaccines all the time


3. Yes, inconsequential to his claim though.


4. I see lepto cases year round here in Ohio. Treated one last week on an outdoor only dog



^ all direct responses from my wife, DVM


Interesting. Though, I would still believe that #4 would have to be out of the norm this time of year, still a risk even here, I guess. Something I'll be keeping in mind.


To the OP, sad to say but it sounds like it's become an issue. :(

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Right on the money. Go to cabelas, get some bait traps. Have one of those cocksuckers get too close and have their foot get stuck. Come back next day and club it.


Put bait out two nights in a row, traps will be here Saturday

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purchase air rifle, temple shot...




You can purchase a beagle/terrier mix from a family friend and have it kill the coyote. Let me see if I can get pictures of the carnage this little dog did to this coyote. That coyote picked a fight with the wrong dog.

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  • 3 months later...

Bringing this thread back from the dead to make a point...


Within the last couple of months, we've noticed some "dogs" running around at night in our neighborhood. I came home from Sawmill one evening to hear a horrifying noise, and tried to track down a pair of glowing eyes making the shriek. After talking to my neighbors, we ended up finding a family of foxes living in the boulder garden of a neighbor's house.



Now, for the last few years we've had a TON of rabbits around our house, pretty much dictating our gardening because anything they eat is decimated. I borrowed an air rifle from Tim (pdqgp) hoping to plug a couple. However, MUCH RESPECT to the foxes, as I've found more than half a dozen skeletons/carcasses of rabbits when I'm mowing my property.


SO...props for nature running it's course. For the first time since moving in 2008 I've been able to grow sunflowers and get a garden started. No one is apparently bothered with the foxes so as far as my non-toy-dog-owning house is concerned, they are welcome as long as they'd like.


I know red foxes are no coyotes, but we've got a couple of those running around UA as well. Still DGAF :D

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(Red) Foxes are teh_shit, don't you dare shoot one of them (not you Clay, but others)...Thats downright awesome you found some living in UA. 'Yotes on the other hand, plug them mangy motherfuckers, i've seen several of them along the Scioto, right near UA (Riverside Drive and Trabue/5th ave).
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