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No spoilers, but I'll just say this. IF you are a fan of the original and slight fan of the second (I pretend 3 never existed). DO NOT waste your money on this one. I knew it was going to be a "touch" different and I even braced myself for the PG-13 rating.



I would not buy it for a dollar......

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Watching the original now.. and it blows the new one out of the water.



Does Samuel L. Jackson whore himself out to every movie nowadays or is it just me?




WOW I just watched the above video after posting... TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH!

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Does Samuel L. Jackson whore himself out to every movie nowadays or is it just me?


Probably just seems that way since he's played the same character (Nick Fury) in 5 of the biggest movies of the last 5-6 years.


That said, I had no idea he was in this Robocop...lol.


There's a quote out there from a couple years ago from the guy who plays Robocop saying if the movie was PG-13 it would be a huge mistake. Oops.

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Watching the original now.. and it blows the new one out of the water.



Does Samuel L. Jackson whore himself out to every movie nowadays or is it just me?




WOW I just watched the above video after posting... TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH!


He's not as big of a whore as Kevin Hart. That little guy is in everything lately.


I will want to see this. I can't tell you how many hours I wasted playing RoboCop on Nintendo.

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