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We've achieved fusion power, even if just barely


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This actually happened a few go. Infact, we achieved fusion quite a long time ago, as early at the late 60s early 70s if I recall. This is just the published scientific findings, not the press release.


However, this was the first time that more energy was achieved from the fuel than was put in to make the fuel, which is a BIG achievement. However, the energy used by the lasers was MAGNITUDES more than the fuel produced. Big step, yes. The fusion savior we've been waiting for, sadly not.


I've followed a fair bit of work by the NIF. I wish their funding wasn't cut, but they are WAY behind schedule. Why should that matter though? Fusion is CRAZY shit. It is seriously the beginning to the most efficient energy we have ever known.


I have no doubt it'll happen in most of our lifetimes.

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Well...this started out as intelligent conversation...




One of the things that is most interesting about this is what ELSE it might drive us to do. Apparently, the best molecule that we know of to use as fuel is Helium3, which is rare on earth, but abundant on...the MOON. Last I heard there was already a company that is seriously trying to advance the idea of a mining station on Luna for the purpose of getting helium3 for Fusion reactors. I mean, can someone please make a fucking movie out of this? Science fact is just as cool as science fiction sometimes...

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One of the things that is most interesting about this is what ELSE it might drive us to do. Apparently, the best molecule that we know of to use as fuel is Helium3, which is rare on earth, but abundant on...the MOON. Last I heard there was already a company that is seriously trying to advance the idea of a mining station on Luna for the purpose of getting helium3 for Fusion reactors. I mean, can someone please make a fucking movie out of this? Science fact is just as cool as science fiction sometimes...


I've been hearing on PopSci and PopMechanix for years about bountiful resources on the Moon and asteroids. There are active projects to mine extraterrestrial bodies...would love to see that become a viable industry in my lifetime as well.


Would be intadesting to have the Moon be a "pit stop" for interplanetary travel. I realize launches to planets like Mars have to be timed for optimum positioning of both the Earth and target planet, but having the Moon be a source for fuel and possibly food/water - as well as a rapidly-revolving launch pad - would be neat to see. Sounds like our science/engineering is there, but the economic viability is not: hugely cost-prohibitive at this time.

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I've been hearing on PopSci and PopMechanix for years about bountiful resources on the Moon and asteroids. There are active projects to mine extraterrestrial bodies...would love to see that become a viable industry in my lifetime as well.


Would be intadesting to have the Moon be a "pit stop" for interplanetary travel. I realize launches to planets like Mars have to be timed for optimum positioning of both the Earth and target planet, but having the Moon be a source for fuel and possibly food/water - as well as a rapidly-revolving launch pad - would be neat to see. Sounds like our science/engineering is there, but the economic viability is not: hugely cost-prohibitive at this time.


In another piece of "are you serious?" news, one of the best rocket fuels in existence is...WATER. Think about it, extremely stable, but when broken apart become two of the more reactive and energetic molecules in the periodic table, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Hold up, isn't that what we use for rocket fuel currently? Getthefuckoutthere, I can go to the pool and take a dip in fucking rocket fuel? Goddamn I love science!


So, any moon or asteroid that has ice essentially becomes a fucking gas station in space. The ultimate in hyper-miling would be to slide in behind a comet and catch the bits of ice that tear off of it to convert to fuel. In flight refueling.


If humanity made up it's mind to do these things, they would get done, and quickly. We're already almost there, and we've just kinda been dicking around with space for the past 20 years. Come on, EARTH. Get your shit together.

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