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no matter how hot a chick is, somewhere, some guy is sick of her shit.


carry on.


Yo B, if she's looking for some new dude to lay a Vette on, send her my way...


On a serious note, sorry dude. Girl problems are the worst.

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Yo B, if she's looking for some new dude to lay a Vette on, send her my way...




the vette was with my money. but its alright. sucks for the kids, but i've been miserable the last two years. it may sound stupid/selfish, but not even the vette, the GTR, and a new raptor can make up for it


i'm pretty sure a year from now i will be o.k.

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I dont see much point of taking the kids to Disney World at 4 and 1, there not really going to remember it when they get older. Why not wait until there 8 and 5? Or older so they can enjoy it more, do more stuff while they're there, etc.


Also, if you have all this money from tax returns and extra left-over from her student loan, why not save it or put it towards something you guys need a lot more instead of wasting it (I see it as being wasted since the kids are so young) on a trip to Disney World?


I feel like even though you guys are parents you need to get your priorities straightened out, especially after reading the stuff posted in this thread. Imagine how nice of a car you could buy for yourself if you saved the money from the tax return, your joyride, and whatever else your spending money on and waited those few months you were going to wait anyways to get another car. You could actually have something thatll be safe to drive and will last you a few years!


Anyways this is just my $.02

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the vette was with my money. but its alright. sucks for the kids, but i've been miserable the last two years. it may sound stupid/selfish, but not even the vette, the GTR, and a new raptor can make up for a psycho, cheating, crazy bitch who is sucking the life out of you daily and affecting your three kids.


i'm pretty sure a year from now i will be o.k., and she will likely be in credit card debt. she is making some insane decisions right now while we are going through this


Damn man sorry to hear all that, the irrational spending shes doing right now before the divorce isnt on your cards / with your money is it? If you about to be done with her dont let her go crazy and buy a bunch of shit for herself and rack up a bunch of "debt" on your cards or with your money.

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Shitty to hear Kirk, I've been there. Agreed, there is nothing money can buy to make up for that kind of bullshit.


i'm pretty sure a year from now i will be o.k.,


We will all see Kirk at TX2K15 with his freshly built Alpha 20 (2000whp) GT-R and two 23 year old girlfriends (one for each arm)

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Eh...you're kind of past the point of taking CR's financial advice. Fuck it, enjoy the ride!


thanks guys. yeah, it sucks. yes, she's buying shit for another dude with my hard earned money. wisconsin is a 50/50 state with no-fault ruling. but her spending is coming out of her half. and her stupid psycho decisions will affect how long alimony is, how much alimony she gets, and custody of the kids---the thing that really matters. she might be shocked when she finds out how much of the latter i am going for. when i tell the full story of the shit she does, its hard to believe---


Damn Kirk, I am truly sorry to hear about it. As you have said, the money and toys mean nothing if the kids are being hurt. I wish you the best and hope karma bites her in the ass.


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Damn Kirk, I am truly sorry to hear about it. As you have said, the money and toys mean nothing if the kids are being hurt. I wish you the best and hope karma bites her in the ass.





this has been two years in the making. the eight years prior, she was normal

i kicked her out of the house 5 weeks ago, and we finally have an agreement where we each spend 50% of the time in our house, and the other half in separate apartments. its crazy.

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