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Misc AR, SKS stuff, and red dot

Guest GMoney

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Spikes tactical standard black pistol grip with screw NEW SOLD

Spikes tactical standard straight aluminum finger guard NEW $5

Spikes tactical ambi safety USED ONCE SOLD

Tapco vertical grip green $5

SKS stock flash hider polished $5

SKS stock magazine SOLD

Tasco red dot USED on 22LR SOLD


PM me and I can text pictures.

Edited by GMoney
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i will take all the spikes stuff and i will take the Tapco vertical grip green call me and we can talk 614-808-5867 mike Spikes tactical standard black pistol grip with screw NEW $5

Spikes tactical standard straight aluminum finger guard NEW $5

Spikes tactical ambi safety USED ONCE $30obo

Tapco vertical grip green $5

Edited by 990mike
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