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Missing Plane


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It was also said that the plane could have been flying on autopilot, turning at preprogrammed GPS points, and it would take an experienced pilot to do this. So the question is: was the pilot at the helm the whole time, or did he program the autopilot and either kill himself or leave the cockpit. Or maybe he was trying to fly towards Australia in order to seek asylum, but ran out of fuel. My final theory is that he flew the plane low to avoid radar and the plane is on the ground somewhere being outfitted for a more sinister plan. But this is looking like less and less of a possibility, given the highly conflicted air space he would have to fly through.
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Jesus. If that's true, that is pretty suspicious.


There were something like 16 Freescale employees on that plane.


Also, not sure how Freescale does it, but a lot of companies pay patent holders a flat fee and you never receive royalties.

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What is the patent for? Do we know? Did I just miss it in the original quote? I assume it's something semiconductor related (duh)...


"System for optimizing number of dies produced on a wafer" US 8671381 B1


Filed in Dec 2012, published March 11, 2014.


See my edit above though. Freescale owns the patent, I seriously doubt these guys saw more than $1000 pat on the back, and they weren't going to get royalties (most likely) Since they are Freescale employees.

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If the company wanted to kill them for this patent, they would have done so after it was filed, not waited for approval. Plus Freescale is already the assignee of the patent, these folks are just listed as inventors. Based on what I see in my industry (and my wife's ~6+ patents) Freescale would have nothing to gain by killing them, as they probably just earn a flat fee as a bonus.
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blackstone stole the plane took it to a chop shop in africa, repainted and sold it for 200mill kinda like in GTA


This might sound funny, but if you know anything about Africa, then you know that the following scene is one of the most accurate depictions of something that can happen Africa that you've ever seen in a movie.




Someone is driving around in Zimbabwe with a "Boeing" emblem on his Toyota Hiace as we speak.

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It was also said that the plane could have been flying on autopilot, turning at preprogrammed GPS points, and it would take an experienced pilot to do this. So the question is: was the pilot at the helm the whole time, or did he program the autopilot and either kill himself or leave the cockpit. Or maybe he was trying to fly towards Australia in order to seek asylum, but ran out of fuel.


So everyone is talking about how experienced this guy is. Does it make sense he wouldn't know the distance he could travel on the amount of fuel he had? Not trying to be a cock. Just doesn't make sense for him to be so brilliant then go, "Whoops, out of fuel!"

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So, this pilot has, let's say, strong political and religious ties (yes, MUCH more fanatical than normal). He attends an opposition leader's trial a few hours before the flight.


His home is searched the day of the incident, only to learn his wife and 3 kids were moved out the day before the flight.


Walks like a duck...

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So everyone is talking about how experienced this guy is. Does it make sense he wouldn't know the distance he could travel on the amount of fuel he had? Not trying to be a cock. Just doesn't make sense for him to be so brilliant then go, "Whoops, out of fuel!"


True, although flying at lower altitude will increase fuel consumption, but it would still be a gross miscalculation on his part. I considered this a possibility because he had just watched his friend get sent to jail over allegedly being gay and maybe he thought they would be coming for him so he would seek shelter in a liberal nation. I still think this is unlikely because usually when a pilot seeks asylum they don't go through all the trouble of avoiding radar, but I don't know why else he would take the southern route. If it was suicide there's no need to keep the plane in the air for 7+ hours.







That is interesting and something I had seen mentioned in other articles, though not in this much depth. This seems pretty likely in my head, due to the amount of planning involved.

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PS, the following tells us nothing...


Let me just clear this retardedness up real quick....


What made me know it was yet another dumbasses personal conspiracy theory, is that, like most dumbasses, they dont know how the world works, so they make it up in their mind and sell it as fact to the ignorant. And that was the most basic fact around the patent....


When a patent is filed by a corporation, the inventors of the invention do not get royalties or great riches from it. If you file a patent, as an inventor, for a corporation, the corporation OWNS the patent and you are little more than the inventor, and the corporation "might" give you some small prize money for your patent. Most large corporations make employees sign their patent rights away, from the standpoint if they come up with any inventions that they patent, that they got hte knowledge of from their job, the company owns that patent as well.


So hte basic premise of this conspiracy is asinine.


Also, for future reference, when something like this comes out and says "spread this as fast as possible" (sense of urgency)... chances are it is fake and they just want their lie to go viral.


And if you dont believe that, but believe snopes... here you go:


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Let me just clear this retardedness up real quick....


What made me know it was yet another dumbasses personal conspiracy theory, is that, like most dumbasses, they dont know how the world works, so they make it up in their mind and sell it as fact to the ignorant. And that was the most basic fact around the patent....


When a patent is filed by a corporation, the inventors of the invention do not get royalties or great riches from it. If you file a patent, as an inventor, for a corporation, the corporation OWNS the patent and you are little more than the inventor, and the corporation "might" give you some small prize money for your patent. Most large corporations make employees sign their patent rights away, from the standpoint if they come up with any inventions that they patent, that they got hte knowledge of from their job, the company owns that patent as well.


So hte basic premise of this conspiracy is asinine.


Also, for future reference, when something like this comes out and says "spread this as fast as possible" (sense of urgency)... chances are it is fake and they just want their lie to go viral.


And if you dont believe that, but believe snopes... here you go:




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Let me just clear this retardedness up real quick....


What made me know it was yet another dumbasses personal conspiracy theory, is that, like most dumbasses, they dont know how the world works, so they make it up in their mind and sell it as fact to the ignorant. And that was the most basic fact around the patent....


When a patent is filed by a corporation, the inventors of the invention do not get royalties or great riches from it. If you file a patent, as an inventor, for a corporation, the corporation OWNS the patent and you are little more than the inventor, and the corporation "might" give you some small prize money for your patent. Most large corporations make employees sign their patent rights away, from the standpoint if they come up with any inventions that they patent, that they got hte knowledge of from their job, the company owns that patent as well.


So hte basic premise of this conspiracy is asinine.


Also, for future reference, when something like this comes out and says "spread this as fast as possible" (sense of urgency)... chances are it is fake and they just want their lie to go viral.


And if you dont believe that, but believe snopes... here you go:



I have family that was directly involved in the design of both the IBM POS bar code scanner (think grocery stores), and the GP automatic paper towel dispenser, and can concur. PS don't hate me if you've ever had to punch the dispenser to get it to work.

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I like to agree with this one.


I'm okay with it but can't give too much credibility to a guy who couldn't even Google the AirCanada DC9 incident of 1983 to get the details of his story accurate.


He's recanted some of it too.


Edited by TTQ B4U
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