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Virus scanners


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Ok, I really screwed myself. I upgraded my Adaware 10.5 to 11 a few weeks ago and the new version doesn't have adjustable settings. It now blocks my scottrade JAVA app from connecting so I had to uninstall the virus software to be able to run the app. I can't find version 10 anywhere to download it.


Anyone know of a fix or some other virus software I can use that will get me going and safe?

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I'll give Avast a try, I've tried several others and so far they all block JAVA. Anyone know what exactly is being blocked and how to unblock it? Looks like its not an uncommon problem, but so far I haven't found a good fix.
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I'll give Avast a try, I've tried several others and so far they all block JAVA. Anyone know what exactly is being blocked and how to unblock it? Looks like its not an uncommon problem, but so far I haven't found a good fix.


Hmmmm, I don't think i've ever had an issue with a (Windows) AV blocking Java by default, and i've tried alot of them. I take it you can browse fine without an A.V.? What Anti Virus software where you running prior to this? Link?

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Adaware 10.5 worked fine, v11 started blocking, I've tried bit defender and something else so far with no luck. If I uninstall virus programs I can use the java app. None of them effect browsing just java. Bitdefender wouldn't allow java updates either so it got uninstalled.
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Running JAVA 7. Odd that is works unless I install a virus scanner and then only my scottrade app stops working. I was hoping for some uber tech geek tip like "unblock xxx port".


Works on my laptop just fine and the only known difference is Adaware is version 10.5.

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What version of Java are you running? They've added a bunch of security to later version of Java 7. After update 25 I believe. What about backing down to an older version of 7 and see if it works?


Windows + Java is an absolute disaster. Honestly, after everything i've read I would go with the latest version of Java with every single update available.


If you use your computer(s) to play with / access moderate-large amounts of Money do your self a huge favor and buy a Mac - I can't emphasize this enough - . Yes Mac's may have vulnerabilities, but nothing close to the seemingly never-ending cluster-fuck of a nightmare that Windows has when it comes to Java/Adobe-based exploits.

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Running JAVA 7. Odd that is works unless I install a virus scanner and then only my scottrade app stops working. I was hoping for some uber tech geek tip like "unblock xxx port".


Works on my laptop just fine and the only known difference is Adaware is version 10.5.


As others have said install MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) in addition to installing the Free Version of AVG. Do this with both computers. If computer A. functions fine and computer B. gives you issues computer B. may likely be compromised...It (hacking/bugging a Windows OS) is cake, thats why "haxors" make literally Billions of dollars every year.

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