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2 Koenigseggs Racing At 180+ on the Autobahn


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The autobahn was way before I-70 and it was and still is used for military operations ie flying aircraft off of it. The same thing can be done with our highways because there is a plan in place but as far as I know it's never been done. They also used to use the autobahn for their "Bonneville salt flats"

Heres a video of planes flying off of the autobahn:

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Oh and it doesnt have a speed limit because the Germans take driving seriously. You dont get in the left lane unless you are passing, period no excuses, I've also heard that they are very serious about about equipment violations ie if you have an accident going 180mph and they find out that your tires were not rated for that speed your ass is grass that is if you lived through the wreck in the first place. Driving in Germany was one of the most pleasurable experiences of my life.
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Germans take driving seriously.


They sure do. Look at older German cars and you'll find very little or no cup holders in them. They only started putting cup holders in them because here in fatty kid land driving is just another place for you to stuff food and soda in your facehole.


The Interstate system was not designed to have no speed limit. Turns are too sharp, the concrete/asphalt is too thin compared to the Autobahn...it's way too easy to get a drivers license here.

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