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Cirrus SF50 - Personal Jet


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As a lot of us are into vehicles of all types, I thought some CR folks would be intadested in learning more about one of the newest personal jets that will likey be sold next year.




"Relatively" inexpensive at less than $2MM, you get a 345mph, 28k-foot ceiling jet that flies 5+2 in a carbon-fiber fuselage, "glass" dashboard, and a full-plane parachute in case things go really, really bad.


I post this as inspiration for some of you, and a realization for others that while we may never own one of these planes, it's an amazing step-forward in general aviation history where many planes (Cessna's, for example) are loosely based off of designs/technology from the '50s.


For other aviation buffs, I know the HondaJet is working on certs, and Diamond D-Jet as well as others are already on the market, but you can't dispute the simplicity of the SF50.

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I was into flying from when I was a kid, followed MS flight sim very heavy for years, built a small cockpit and used to enjoy the sims to their fullest, including flying correct traffic patterns, ATC coms, and using instrument rules. Gets boring eventually because its like peddling an exercise bike.


Wife says she won't get in a plane with me (and I believe her) or I'd be getting into the hobby for real.

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