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Internet Service Providers?


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With WOW it slows down from 7pm-12am every day. My worst speed test was at 9:30PM at 1.5/2Mb/s This all started on day one of the WOW install. I've had 3 techs come out and rewire everything from my house to the pole, and also repair the trunks on the poles in my neighborhood. They spent a whole friday doing it I saw 3 trucks and multiple employees in back yards other than mine. So far I've used 2 different cable modems, bypassed my router all together, and it is still slow at night. Their customer service is worthless for my issue.


This is a classic example of node over-subscription. There isn't shit customer service or the field techs can do about it, this is a fundamental limitation of the way cable internet works, and can only be solved by adding $$$ hardware out on the street.


Think of it this way... you've got 100 little stirrer straws that information can travel through, but each straw can only work in one direction. Since the vast majority of people want to download, you set 90 in the download direction, and ten in the upload. As long as everyone's watching pr0^H^H^HNetflix, it's great. But what happens when everyone tries to surf at the same time instead? All those "Please send me ....." requests get held up, waiting in line for those ten upload pipes. Now add to that all of the "I received the last five seconds of video, please send the next five" requests. And the "Here's piece 21389057 of SW_KOTR for the torrent swarm, but only if you give me piece 907!" Very quickly the limitation in upload capacity becomes a limitation in download, as well.

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This is a classic example of node over-subscription. There isn't shit customer service or the field techs can do about it, this is a fundamental limitation of the way cable internet works, and can only be solved by adding $$$ hardware out on the street.


Think of it this way... you've got 100 little stirrer straws that information can travel through, but each straw can only work in one direction. Since the vast majority of people want to download, you set 90 in the download direction, and ten in the upload. As long as everyone's watching pr0^H^H^HNetflix, it's great. But what happens when everyone tries to surf at the same time instead? All those "Please send me ....." requests get held up, waiting in line for those ten upload pipes. Now add to that all of the "I received the last five seconds of video, please send the next five" requests. And the "Here's piece 21389057 of SW_KOTR for the torrent swarm, but only if you give me piece 907!" Very quickly the limitation in upload capacity becomes a limitation in download, as well.


SO you are saying I should go back to TWC because they have a better network and $$$ to back it. I kind of figured that was my issue. I guess I need to get used to eventually being a Comcast customer.

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In all fairness on top of everything that I dealt with today wide-open West is in my neighborhood this week digging

And adding infrastructure here


This is supposedly a big transitional year for them. Next year they will be offering 100mbps+. I left them earlier this year because they spread themselves too thin buying up all these shit ISP's in the plains and southern states but I can see myself switching to them next year for the 110mbps offering if they get all their stuff figured out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So yeah this big transition for our neighborhood is turned into a lovely little annoyance yesterday; some idiot cut the mainline and we haven't had cable or Internet for almost almost 24 hours and it's very annoying


Im Perfectly fine without the TV but the Internet is frustrating because I have work to upload and do and I can't do it. for some reason all this seems to be affecting my cell phone service as well. I don't understand that at all.


Outside the house my phone works perfectly fine but inside the house since everything was cut yesterday I have one bar or less of service in that some points my phone just goes completely to no service

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In all fairness on top of everything that I dealt with today wide-open West is in my neighborhood this week digging

And adding infrastructure here


This is supposedly a big transitional year for them. Next year they will be offering 100mbps+. I left them earlier this year because they spread themselves too thin buying up all these shit ISP's in the plains and southern states but I can see myself switching to them next year for the 110mbps offering if they get all their stuff figured out.


So yeah this big transition for our neighborhood is turned into a lovely little annoyance yesterday; some idiot cut the mainline and we haven't had cable or Internet for almost almost 24 hours and it's very annoying


Im Perfectly fine without the TV but the Internet is frustrating because I have work to upload and do and I can't do it. for some reason all this seems to be affecting my cell phone service as well. I don't understand that at all.


Outside the house my phone works perfectly fine but inside the house since everything was cut yesterday I have one bar or less of service in that some points my phone just goes completely to no service


I am back with time warner and also paying more. My internet works fine though. I really think the bigger bill is worth it.

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