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This can't be real life


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I can see a gun being more of a necessity (you might need to protect yourself and/or family) than alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets or tatoos and body piercings! There should be restrictions on what people can buy, though.
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meh....I see the point but the reality is if someone is sucking off the teat of the taxpayers or even leaning on us for temporary support and the intent of this money (perhaps needs further defined and controlled) is to provide food and shelter then we don't need people buying non-essencial items...again more definition around what it can be used towards is okay with me.


“... but they have a right to purchase guns for hunting or self-defense. If you or I have those rights, then they should as well. It’s not my place to tell them what to do.”

The only one limiting these people of anything is themselves. Self accountability is what's needed. When they are spending tax payer dollars and not their own, yes, we the people lending that money should have a right to limit what they can do with those dollars. This guys ability and mine are one thing, but if someone is leaning on the system for support to live and make it through hard times, yes, I believe there is a place for society to direct how they can spend said money.


There is a perception that these funds would be misused by the recipient, and while there are probably some problems, most of them are good people.
Good people or not, structuring the intended use of taxpayer dollars and what they are to be used for is not wrong, especially if it eliminates the concerns or "some problems". Clarity of purpose is not a bad thing. We have such limitations in other areas, so it would be consistent with the approach overall.
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Oh, I hate how these cards are misused. Every time I watch someone buy their cases of Mt. Dew and mega-bags of chips with a .gov card, my skin crawls.


We're paying for some to get fat and unhealthy. We're paying for their houses so they have a place to sit around and eat the food we bought them. Then, we pay for their medical bills once they've spent a lifetime "living" like this.


Take the cards away. Have a distribution system providing true essentials: bread, canned fruits and veggies, toiletries, etc. I worked at the food bank yesterday packing essentials for elderly. I liked it because money wasn't being spent on soda and chips. Needy folks will get healthy useful supplies.


Helping your fellow man was never meant to be paying for every single thing a person needs from birth until death. Maybe require some small amount of community service in return for feeding off the system?


Ohio has more people receiving welfare than people paying into it.



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Maybe require some small amount of community service in return for feeding off the system?


Agree. There's something that the recipients can do to earn what they get. The problem with today's society is there's some underlying sense of entitlement that has grown larger than life. Sorry, but that's gotta go.


As a person in need taking taxpayer money you are not entitled to simply buy anything you wish. We the taxpayers helping those in need should absolutely be involved in how recipients spend the money.

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The day you can eat a gun to survive is the day I would be okay with this. We need to get rid of the EBT cards imo. We should just give people on assistance food every week or month. Don't like the shitty canned food and heads of cabbage? Too bad at least you are alive and eating. People elsewhere have it worse off.
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Lots of ghetto folk in shit neighborhoods have ebt cards. Ghetto folk in shit neighborhoods shoot each other at disproportionately higher rates than normal folks in less shifty situations, and skew the violence statistics in the favor of dirty gun-grabbing, emotion-appealing, "ambulance" chasing, panic inducers. Therefore, give ghetto folk access to legal, government sponsored guns.
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