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I see what you're saying but I can't agree that it's a legitimate need. A strong urge to impress others is the reason to get this car. For fun, as you mentioned, is a reason to get this car. It's not a necessity.


Diamonds already talked about the fact that many cars can do that for much less. You're right. It's about perspective and desire. The only things I need to survive are air, water, food, and shelter. Then everything else takes priority in varying orders. Family, friends, career, etc.


A $200K car may make me happy short term, but it will never be "enough". Jones had fun in his OOOOdi. Bragged often. Now he boasts (rightfully so) about the joy his GTR brings him. I get that. He won't die if he can't have a GTR though. It's not a legitimate need.


Many people stay at jobs they hate for a good paycheck. If all you need is happiness, why stay?


I agree that with more money comes blurrier lines. I simply said for me I can't fathom spending that much on a car. I may never know that kind of money though so this is all moot. Easy to say from one side of the fence.


I can't even fathom spending $20-30K on a DD when there are options out there that would fulfill the purpose, be a blast for me to drive, and cost far less. Just me though man.


I'd be happy with another 1992 Tercel. :lol:


There is a term for your theory...and you are correct about the view. Things do change. http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html

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You have to remember where you came from to be humble moving forward. :)


Haha. I'm not even kidding man. I played the, "what if I hit the lotto" game with a friend the other day. My car choices were 2 of the following (one DD, one DD-able toy).


DD list:

F150 Ecoboost


Excursion (diesel)


Toy/fair weather DD List:

Buick GN (not GNX)

Buick T-Type



GTI (used)

Focus ST (used)

STi (used)

...Tercel with 4efte swap. No joke. I'd really like to have one.


One off each list and I'd have more than enough for the work I do and the driving I do. I know I'm forgetting a few, but that's the gist of it.


There is a term for your theory...and you are correct about the view. Things do change. http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html


Great read. Thanks for sharing. It's been a bit over a decade since I took Psychology in high school and college. Didn't fully remember this until I read through what you posted. Reminded me of this too. :lol:



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Good old CR someone posts cool car everyone tells people how's it's not worth it you can go faster cheaper lol how could people spend money on a car like that ; ( or I'm happy with my $2000 car lol who cares THIS is a car site people and that's a bad ass car
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Good old CR someone posts cool car everyone tells people how's it's not worth it you can go faster cheaper lol how could people spend money on a car like that ; ( or I'm happy with my $2000 car lol who cares THIS is a car site people and that's a bad ass car




You would think with all the SME's we have on here that every world problem could be solved in a matter of seconds :lol:


That is a cool car

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Good old CR someone posts cool car everyone tells people how's it's not worth it you can go faster cheaper lol how could people spend money on a car like that ; ( or I'm happy with my $2000 car lol who cares THIS is a car site people and that's a bad ass car


1) I said it was cool. I simply stated I wouldn't pay $200K to have it sit in my garage merely to "excite me". It isn't worth it...to me.

2) I don't care if other people want to spend that much on a vehicle. It's their hard earned cash. Good for them. Truly. I'm glad others do so I get to see/experience them.

3) My car costs $500, gets ~35 mpg, and gets me to work and back. I AM happy with it. :)

4) Please never mistake my personal preferences/opinions/thoughts as degrading others. It's just simply my input. It's a public forum where many different people from many different walks of life come together under the common interest of vehicles (and honestly, people) and those interests will vary. Some want a $200K super car. Some want a $5K auto cross car. Some want a truck/SUV. That's what makes CR unique. The vast differences in people. That's why this is the only car forum I'm active on.


It IS a cool car. All I was saying is to ME it isn't worth that to go, "wow, that's a cool car and it's in my garage, I hope I get to drive it soon. I hate the rain! ARGH!" every day. I get the wow factor. I get the fact that many of us grew up dreaming to own a car of that caliber someday. My dreams shifted in the process is all. It's not, "I'm right, you're wrong." It's, "I can't see myself paying that and being happy with my decision, ever," vs. "I've worked hard for this my whole life, I can afford it without getting outside of my means and head over heels in debt, and I'm going to treat myself." If you're the latter and have/will have a car like this I applaud that. I don't think that just because I wouldn't that NOBODY should.


Again, merely differences, and that's what makes CR a community like no other.

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