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So now we negotiate with terrorists?


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yet 75% of this board probably voted for him or not at all.....


I'm 60% sure that you are probably wrong, being 75% of this board doesn't post. Think that last part is about 80% correct though.

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So, we trade 5 of the worst for one guy who pretty much gave his brothers in arms the bird and walked off base?


I have a SERIOUS problem with this. I have never served, but have many friends and family who have, they give up so much, and this is a slap in their face.





not sure if this article is total right wing nut job bullshit, but it does seem to have the same information/facts that a lot of other articles have.


As far as the negotiating with terrorists issue, I don't think you have to worry about that, at least not more than you should have before (maybe this is a case of ignorance was bliss, haha). First, the Taliban isn't technically a terrorist organization, it is a religious fundamentalist political group (and the ruling government in Afghanistan at the time of invasion), the US has been trying to get them more and more involved in the new Afghan government the past few years (yes, they did let Al Qieda (sp?) train/exist in their land but so do many other countries). So, if we did want this kid back, negotiating with them to do it isn't really breaking with any tradition we have had in the past.


Now, as far as our history of negotiating/working with "terrorists" we actually have a pretty long one as a country. The main ones that come to mind as particularly relevant in our current period would be the supplying of weapons/training to Al Qieda to help them fight the Soviet Union and Iran Contra. Democrats said the same things Republicans are saying now as far as how the terrorist groups would respond by seeing kidnapping Americans as a good strategy but it obviously never happened.


As far as the kid himself and what he did or didn't do to get kidnapped and the cost of his actions that's not something I know enough about to have an opinion on.


What I would take from this is a pragmatic view. Yes, if you negotiate with terrorists and people know you will than you will become the victim more often. Fortunately Obama typically responds with Drone's and not negotiations so I don't think we have to worry about people thinking the US is not willing to kill their asses. However, if you do not negotiate at all then you resign yourself to either never ending conflicts, like we have now in a way in Afghanistan or you must completely defeat your opponent, something that we have not been able to do the past 13 years given the moral view of war in our society (we can't just carpet bomb Afghanistan and kill every living thing, lol). Since neither of these options is both good and possible it leaves us with negotiating.

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In sane times, traitors were dealt with with time behind bars or a firing squad. In this current version of life, we trade away 5 top enemy terrorists (that we now know can travel ANYwhere they want in 1 year or less), for one traitor, whose family promises to stay anti-American.



I'll buy a beer for anyone that comes close to explaining this to me.




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In sane times, traitors were dealt with with time behind bars or a firing squad. In this current version of life, we trade away 5 top enemy terrorists (that we now know can travel ANYwhere they want in 1 year or less), for one traitor, whose family promises to stay anti-American.



I'll buy a beer for anyone that comes close to explaining this to me.





It was stated in a couple news outlets that officials in their "host" country have said they are not prisoners, can do as they wish, and they TOLD the White House this.


I'm sorry, but elected officials never learn. As started above this is not the first time this has happened when it comes to dealing with these animals, and as history shows it has not worked yet and they just keep hating us and killing...

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Something about the whole situation smells fishy to me.


No nothing at all, this is such a victory for us.


Well, huh, this is kind of fishy...




Nah, I'm sure it just something the soldiers dreamed up.....

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No nothing at all, this is such a victory for us.


Well, huh, this is kind of fishy...




Nah, I'm sure it just something the soldiers dreamed up.....





Agreed, how do we dish up 5 terrorists from the bay for the one dude across the world, whose dad tweets things like: "I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, amen!" But we can't help a soldier out in a Mexican prison.

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Wagner already started a thread about this.


So, what?


These threads should be popping up on every board over and over and over.


This POS breaks laws like they're pretzels and nobody "in power" has the balls to do anything about it.


If text books are still at all party-neutral in 50 years, I hope people can at least then see this person for what half the country saw him as 6 years or more ago.

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As far as the negotiating with terrorists issue, I don't think you have to worry about that, at least not more than you should have before (maybe this is a case of ignorance was bliss, haha). First, the Taliban isn't technically a terrorist organization, it is a religious fundamentalist political group (and the ruling government in Afghanistan at the time of invasion), the US has been trying to get them more and more involved in the new Afghan government the past few years (yes, they did let Al Qieda (sp?) train/exist in their land but so do many other countries). So, if we did want this kid back, negotiating with them to do it isn't really breaking with any tradition we have had in the past.


Now, as far as our history of negotiating/working with "terrorists" we actually have a pretty long one as a country. The main ones that come to mind as particularly relevant in our current period would be the supplying of weapons/training to Al Qieda to help them fight the Soviet Union and Iran Contra. Democrats said the same things Republicans are saying now as far as how the terrorist groups would respond by seeing kidnapping Americans as a good strategy but it obviously never happened.


As far as the kid himself and what he did or didn't do to get kidnapped and the cost of his actions that's not something I know enough about to have an opinion on.


What I would take from this is a pragmatic view. Yes, if you negotiate with terrorists and people know you will than you will become the victim more often. Fortunately Obama typically responds with Drone's and not negotiations so I don't think we have to worry about people thinking the US is not willing to kill their asses. However, if you do not negotiate at all then you resign yourself to either never ending conflicts, like we have now in a way in Afghanistan or you must completely defeat your opponent, something that we have not been able to do the past 13 years given the moral view of war in our society (we can't just carpet bomb Afghanistan and kill every living thing, lol). Since neither of these options is both good and possible it leaves us with negotiating.


In regards to why that guy wandered off:




As for defining the Taliban, yes they are an extremist religion based political party that enforces Sharia law. According to Wikipedia "The Taliban and their allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians,[27][28][29] denied UN food supplies to 160,000 starving civilians[30] and conducted a policy of scorched earth, burning vast areas of fertile land and destroying tens of thousands of homes during their rule from 1996 to 2001.[31][32] Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to flee to United Front-controlled territory, Pakistan, and Iran." Is this not terrorism?


And as for our history of dealing with those groups, yes, the CIA has done some shady shit, regardless of who was running the government at the time.


Also, the terrorists just released were sent to Qatar, not Afghanistan. The Qatar government did the negotiating. No clue how they got involved, but AFAIK there's no Taliban there.


Oh yeah, the Pentagon and the intelligence community in general told Obama not to release those prisoners.




I have a feeling there won't be any midnight drone strikes to take them out, as there isn't any tracking going on, since this plan wasn't thought at out all and everyone was against it in the first place. I fully believe that this entire thing was simply a diversion, that the administration thought would be a positive thing to derail the coverage of the VA scandal that was going on. Nope, just another poorly thought out mess to backfire on them. At this point we'd be better off impeaching this clown and letting Biden say dumb shit into the microphone for the next couple years. It couldn't be any worse.

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At this point we'd be better off impeaching this clown and letting Biden say dumb shit into the microphone for the next couple years. It couldn't be any worse.


That scares me more than a hooker with a chipped set of front teeth..

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Obama win list


In no particular order:


*Freeing terrorists to "save" a traitor


*Fast & Furious/handing weapons over to drug cartels


*Bombing Libya without permission of Congress


*Benghazi embassy attacks


IRS targeting conservative groups


NSA spying on US citizens and foreign leaders. Tapping German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cell phone


Obamacare website cost and rollout


Spying on the Associated Press/other media/hacking reporter's computers


*VA not giving medical care to veterans in a timely manner, borderline death panels




Fudging the numbers on unemployment and inflation rates


*Supporting Al Qeada rebels in Syria that have access to chemical weapons in order to attempt to take down the legitimate government


Cutting veteran's pay/benefits for political reasons


GSA spending tons of money on meetings for nothing


"If you like your plan you can keep it"




NLRB counsel members illegally appointed/Recess appointments made during session


Secret Service agents hiring hookers while on the job


High ranking EPA members using throw away email addresses to avoid FOIA requests


Eric Holder perjuring himself over and over


Prosecuting whistleblowers


"You didn't build that"


*Authorized assassination of US citizen


I would also like to mention 2008 voter fraud, even though this was done mostly by his adoring audience outside of his control.


Anything marked with a * denotes something that has directly or indirectly caused loss of life.


If one were to go through all the different speeches done by anyone affiliated with this administration and count the lies there, it would easily be in the thousands. These are the big deals that have happened, over and over since this administration began, and I'm sure I'm missing stuff.


We're entering the home stretch now, I have a feeling that the worst has yet to come.

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US Presidents win list


In no particular order:


*Freeing terrorists to "save" a traitor


*Fast & Furious/handing weapons over to drug cartels


*Bombing Libya without permission of Congress


*Benghazi embassy attacks


IRS targeting conservative groups


NSA spying on US citizens and foreign leaders. Tapping German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cell phone


Obamacare website cost and rollout


Spying on the Associated Press/other media/hacking reporter's computers


*VA not giving medical care to veterans in a timely manner, borderline death panels




Fudging the numbers on unemployment and inflation rates


*Supporting Al Qeada rebels in Syria that have access to chemical weapons in order to attempt to take down the legitimate government


Cutting veteran's pay/benefits for political reasons


GSA spending tons of money on meetings for nothing


"If you like your plan you can keep it"




NLRB counsel members illegally appointed/Recess appointments made during session


Secret Service agents hiring hookers while on the job


High ranking EPA members using throw away email addresses to avoid FOIA requests


Eric Holder perjuring himself over and over


Prosecuting whistleblowers


"You didn't build that"


*Authorized assassination of US citizen


I would also like to mention 2008 voter fraud, even though this was done mostly by his adoring audience outside of his control.


Anything marked with a * denotes something that has directly or indirectly caused loss of life.


If one were to go through all the different speeches done by anyone affiliated with this administration and count the lies there, it would easily be in the thousands. These are the big deals that have happened, over and over since this administration began, and I'm sure I'm missing stuff.


We're entering the home stretch now, I have a feeling that the worst has yet to come.


Fixed for accuracy; fixed for everyone's apparent selective memory. :gabe:

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LOL at people thinking there is case to impeach the POTUS. Don't you think if there was a case the republicans would be all over it? Oh that's right he never lied under oath, commit treason, or bribed someone. At least someone in this thread figured out that Qatar is to blame. There is some hope left.
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LOL at people thinking there is case to impeach the POTUS. Don't you think if there was a case the republicans would be all over it? Oh that's right he never lied under oath, commit treason, or bribed someone. At least someone in this thread figured out that Qatar is to blame. There is some hope left.


People screaming for the whole impeaching thing need to read on this:




BOTH sides are dirty and are nothing more than puppets with hands in their ass taking money from corporate types...

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Well I wonder if these nice people will get any help?




The box has been opend my friends...


WHAT THE FUCK is a pregnant woman doing traveling to Afghanistan????


Cruel as it gets, but I have no sympathy for anyone but the baby. What's worse, being raised by the Taliban or being raised by someone who thinks it's a good idea to travel to FUCKING AFGHANISTAN while pregnant?

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