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So now we negotiate with terrorists?


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WHAT THE FUCK is a pregnant woman doing traveling to Afghanistan????


Cruel as it gets, but I have no sympathy for anyone but the baby. What's worse, being raised by the Taliban or being raised by someone who thinks it's a good idea to travel to FUCKING AFGHANISTAN while pregnant?


Yeah, I'm reading your mail on that. I get wanting to travel and see the world, however, going to parts of the world that are on fire and don't like people from 'merica might be a bad idea...

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Fixed for accuracy; fixed for everyone's apparent selective memory. :gabe:


Honestly buddy, this anger at Obama is really mainly a class of angry white people who long to "keep America, America" (my new favorite racist saying). They hate how the country is changing and blame president blackenstein when in reality it is starting to become more equal and the days of an uneducated/low skilled person being middle class just because they are white is over. Honestly, I used to try to actually exchange ideas with these people but there is no use at all. Republicans are fine in my book, I am friends with some and agree with some of their views while I disagree with others, the whole time understanding that we both love our country. The people you are talking to think you, me, and Obama hate America. Maybe it's because I'm not white but these Obama is a criminal, birther, etc... people come off as very salty and sad to me. Listening to them talk it reminds me about what Justice Stewart said, "I can't define porn, but I know it when I see it". They aren't specifically racist, but all of the "good ol' days" in America that they miss so much were really only good for white people. I've thought this for a while but haven't wanted to say anything because of the shitstorm I understand will follow.

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Honestly buddy, this anger at Obama is really mainly a class of angry white people who long to "keep America, America" (my new favorite racist saying). They hate how the country is changing and blame president blackenstein when in reality it is starting to become more equal and the days of an uneducated/low skilled person being middle class just because they are white is over. Honestly, I used to try to actually exchange ideas with these people but there is no use at all. Republicans are fine in my book, I am friends with some and agree with some of their views while I disagree with others, the whole time understanding that we both love our country. The people you are talking to think you, me, and Obama hate America. Maybe it's because I'm not white but these Obama is a criminal, birther, etc... people come off as very salty and sad to me. Listening to them talk it reminds me about what Justice Stewart said, "I can't define porn, but I know it when I see it". They aren't specifically racist, but all of the "good ol' days" in America that they miss so much were really only good for white people. I've thought this for a while but haven't wanted to say anything because of the shitstorm I understand will follow.


Huh, I don't hate Obama because of any of those reasons. I don't think he is a criminal, a birther, or any of that other far reaching stuff.


What I don't like is what has happened to this country while he has been running things.

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I also have yet to see a single logical reason why all of this happened the way it did. There is no justification for it.


Well, I feel the same way about the entire war in Iraq, along with many other things presidents do. This seems to be a case of his priority was to get this last pow back before US troops leave at the end of this year. Obviously, I wouldn't have done it and it would be nice if Obama would say that he wanted to get the prisoner released and that he thought that the trade he made was worth it to get this guy back (of course it had to be this scumbag, worst of all us troops) and the people released wouldn't be able to harm the US (although this goes into the question of if we can hold people forever with no specific charges). Unfortunately telling things like they are isn't something you can do and be president. Also, my statement wasn't directed towards you.

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Well, I feel the same way about the entire war in Iraq, along with many other things presidents do. This seems to be a case of his priority was to get this last pow back before US troops leave at the end of this year. Obviously, I wouldn't have done it and it would be nice if Obama would say that he wanted to get the prisoner released and that he thought that the trade he made was worth it to get this guy back (of course it had to be this scumbag, worst of all us troops) and the people released wouldn't be able to harm the US (although this goes into the question of if we can hold people forever with no specific charges). Unfortunately telling things like they are isn't something you can do and be president. Also, my statement wasn't directed towards you.


I'm not a fan of what went down in Iraq or how the retard that was running things at the time did many things. What I am a big fan of is our troops that have put the time in and fought with true honor, not this POS we just got back.


The word is already out that the terrorists are going to try and kidnap more because our President got a wild hair up his ass, dodged a law, and gave them 5 of their own. That and nobody seems to have an answer to my question about that nice couple stuck over there, they just dodge that question.

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Honestly buddy, this anger at Obama is really mainly a class of angry white people who long to "keep America, America" (my new favorite racist saying). They hate how the country is changing and blame president blackenstein when in reality it is starting to become more equal and the days of an uneducated/low skilled person being middle class just because they are white is over. Honestly, I used to try to actually exchange ideas with these people but there is no use at all. Republicans are fine in my book, I am friends with some and agree with some of their views while I disagree with others, the whole time understanding that we both love our country. The people you are talking to think you, me, and Obama hate America. Maybe it's because I'm not white but these Obama is a criminal, birther, etc... people come off as very salty and sad to me. Listening to them talk it reminds me about what Justice Stewart said, "I can't define porn, but I know it when I see it". They aren't specifically racist, but all of the "good ol' days" in America that they miss so much were really only good for white people. I've thought this for a while but haven't wanted to say anything because of the shitstorm I understand will follow.


Yes, that's it exactly, every single disagreement in this country is based on race :jerkit:

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Honestly buddy, this anger at Obama is really mainly a class of angry white people who long to "keep America, America" (my new favorite racist saying). They hate how the country is changing and blame president blackenstein when in reality it is starting to become more equal and the days of an uneducated/low skilled person being middle class just because they are white is over. Honestly, I used to try to actually exchange ideas with these people but there is no use at all. Republicans are fine in my book, I am friends with some and agree with some of their views while I disagree with others, the whole time understanding that we both love our country. The people you are talking to think you, me, and Obama hate America. Maybe it's because I'm not white but these Obama is a criminal, birther, etc... people come off as very salty and sad to me. Listening to them talk it reminds me about what Justice Stewart said, "I can't define porn, but I know it when I see it". They aren't specifically racist, but all of the "good ol' days" in America that they miss so much were really only good for white people. I've thought this for a while but haven't wanted to say anything because of the shitstorm I understand will follow.


lol I'm confused. Why is it that the race card is the one and only card that can and has been pulled when someone says they do not like this presidency?

Edited by Exodus
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because our President got a wild hair up his ass, dodged a law, and gave them 5 of their own.


Typical Obama fashion though. Not surprising. He's walked around with an air of arrogance that is clearly out of place for years. Too bad he can't manage his own people, earn respect from fellow politicians nor run this country for a damn. He's a legend in his own mind. :rolleyes:


In a way I'm glad his shit storm of a first and second term is running part of this country into the ground. Serves all the numb-fucks that voted for him right that they are likely paying the price for putting him there. Just too bad there are so many other casualties that didn't vote for him. Such is the price we pay when the masses that voted for him outnumber those that have common sense. In the end Darwin is paying us all a visit. Hopefully next time round people don't make the same mistake. Fuck, if Hillary gets elected, I'm going to fucking scream.

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Be careful. If you say that they can't pull the race card anymore. You'll just be misogynistic lol


Misogynistic.....fuck I don't care if Hilary and Nancy Pelosi have man-parts, they SUCK and fucking shouldn't be involved in running this country in any way. Man, woman or beast, they are horrible.


Also the race card is bullshit as Obama is Caucasian. It's ironic that he's America's first black president when in reality he's not really black, he's a mix. However, somewhere along the lines if you are 50/50 and you get elected POTUS, you're black.

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Misogynistic.....fuck I don't care if Hilary and Nancy Pelosi have man-parts, they SUCK and fucking shouldn't be involved in running this country in any way. Man, woman or beast, they are horrible.


Also the race card is bullshit as Obama is Caucasian. It's ironic that he's America's first black president when in reality he's not really black, he's a mix. However, somewhere along the lines if you are 50/50 and you get elected POTUS, you're black.



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It wasn't about it at all until halfway through page 3.


This should not be about race in any way, shape or form.


What this should be about is the fact a law was broken, nobody will do anything about it, and I hope not a single person has to die due to this poor choice by a "leader"



The more I read about this mess the less I like any elected offical, they are the worst of the worst in my eyes.

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Who the fuck cares what race or sex the president or any previous president was. They are all American citizens. Nothing else is relevant end of story. Stop being concerned about such trivial facts. That shit makes you sound like an unintelligent bigot.
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No nothing at all, this is such a victory for us.


Well, huh, this is kind of fishy...




Nah, I'm sure it just something the soldiers dreamed up.....


If they REALLY had all this information and had proof that he had walked off the base why did they promote him to SGT while he was missing and was still considered solider in good standing.


If you don't think that we have drones watching those 5 guys to see were they go your fooling yourself. I'm sure there is a bunch more going on here then we know about. because this isn't the first time they have tried to get this solider back.

Edited by Thorne
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