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Country Cruising 6-28-14

The Man of Steele

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Date changed to give more people time to plan for this event. I promise there is some really cool shit on this ride.


It has been brought to my attention that some of you cagers are unaware of the awesome roads around here. So weather permitting I would be interested in taking some folks on a tour out east for some road fun with a(or a few) stop for lunch at a road side dive. I will need to be back by 5pm this should be plenty of time for you to not suck and enjoy a good car ride. Any interest? I need at least 3 other people or I am going to take my bike.




Here is a link https://goo.gl/maps/Bj7xb so you can get an idea of the path. Unfortunately google botched maps so I can't put the exact path but it is close to this. There will be twisties and some areas to test the legs of your car but mainly twisties. My average speed is usually around 60 mph and most of these roads were repaved recently so they make for an excellent drive.


Some rules:


Don't be fucking retarded if you drive like an idiot you will wreck your shit I promise. Some of these roads are tough even on a motorcycle.

This is not a race no piston cup if you get there first sorry bros.

Have fun and enjoy the scenery and ride.

Edited by The Man of Steele
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Depending on what's going down with my friends work schedule I may be in for it... Haven't actually just taken "Nightmare" on a cruise yet and I know the roads on the eastside are pretty nice on a bike this time of year.
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