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I've been struggling with using my CAC on Windows 8 every since I upgraded, and with 8.1 it seems to somehow be worse. I'm now reading that ActivClient 7.02 may be able to solve the pin caching issue, but the USAF doesn't provide version 7 and ActivIdentity is a bunch of a-holes about people redistributing it.


Does anyone have an AKO account who might be able to download the latest version and rehost it for me? There's a link on militarycac.com or I can PM it.



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Huh? My reader just worked when I plugged it in.


Windows 7 and up have a built in middleware, but it doesn't cache the pin, so on any sites that use a lot of stylesheets or other resources it prompts for my pin about 5 to 30 times before it lets me proceed. This includes Outlook Webmail.


I'm not seeing a 7.0 option on AKO. There is a v4, v5, and v6. I assume this is not a GOV computer. Are you trying to log in to online training?


Hmm... I'm only familiar with v6 (6.0 through 6.2). Version 7 is supposed to work with Windows 8 but the official USAF stance is that the built-in middleware is the good enough. This is on my personal computer, I'm just trying to log into my webmail and the AF Portal.

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