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Looks to be a fatal motorcycle crash on Morse. Two bikes down


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It is amazing how much shit on these crotch rockets does not get reported or make the newspapers. A good friend of mine, his son was out one evening with a couple of buddies and his girlfriend. He had been drinking too much so he put his girlfriend on his buddies bike who had not been drinking, however they still were doing over 100 miles an hour on 670. She was inexperienced with bikes and decided to poke her head out around the driver. The shield on the helmet flipped up and acted like a airbrake and pulled her off the bike and she tumbled down the freeway with only skimpy summer clothing on. Needless to say she was covered with road rash everywhere. She is fine but won't be doing any modeling of swimsuits any longer. It is just plain nasty some of the stuff that happens and never makes the papers.
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Sorry to hear, Aaron. I hope they mend faster than expected.


There have been so many bikes on the roads these last few weeks .... so many chances for things to go wrong .... how quickly we dismiss that death looms closely for motorcycle riders.


With little consideration we convince ourselves of the myth that our skills and equipment will save us from disaster, which too often results from nothing more than bad luck or from other people's poor decisions.

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My 2 good friends, he is bruised up pretty bad, and for her, she didn't get so lucky, 2 broken arms broken ribs and broken bone by eye, helmet came off. Bone came threw her arm had sufgury at 7am should heal


Wow!! Hope they recover ok.

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