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My Name is Austin, and I play Clash of Clans


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Quick question guys. When I see clan members requesting troops, specifically when they are asking for junk, or anything, I am assuming they still don't want my low level stuff. I'm more than happy to donate, I just assume nobody wants the crap level 2 or 3 I have. Should I start donating when people are asking for junk or other non specific units?
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Ask your clan. Personal experience, but before my account got fuxxored, the guys who were requesting every 20 minutes like clockwork didn't give a shit what they got, but the guys who requested only for war attacks were very specific in what they wanted and who they wanted it from (level wise, anyway).


I was one of the guys who only requested for wars, and I would be pissed if you filled my clan castle with shit and delayed my attack. I was TH8 and only barchlin'd in regular attacks, so if 200 troops couldn't get me some loot, another 20 wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference tbh - that would have been a user error, not a troop error.


On a side note, I miss this game so much... the withdrawals are awful. I actually... work... at work now... it's weird.

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  LT1Rick said:
Quick question guys. When I see clan members requesting troops, specifically when they are asking for junk, or anything, I am assuming they still don't want my low level stuff. I'm more than happy to donate, I just assume nobody wants the crap level 2 or 3 I have. Should I start donating when people are asking for junk or other non specific units?


If it is another low level person asking, sure go for it. if someone is farming with it, no thanks. anything below lvl 4 is basically useless when you are farming.

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  Gergwheel said:
If it is another low level person asking, sure go for it. if someone is farming with it, no thanks. anything below lvl 4 is basically useless when you are farming.


Unless you're like me and donate level 4 goblins or wall breakers.



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  • 6 months later...
  Stretch said:
old bump. Started playing this game last week with some people at work and now I can't put it down.. Anybody else still playing?


I think most of the people that posted here are still playing in the "Big Fans of CoC" clan.

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I play alot... my department plays... I've spent way too much money on this game or I would have quit a long time ago. I am a fully maxed out TH9... there is nothing more I can upgrade except for walls before going to TH10 and I'm hesitant to go there since once at that level the people there have gemmed to the point that it's impossible to beat them.
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  1fastSTI said:
Who doesn't use wall breakers? I use like 5-6 wall breakers, 8-10 wiz, 12-15 giants, healer, rest archers and barbs for my farming runs.

I use GOWIPE or GOWIWI for most war attacks... we do so many war attacks that I rarely raid anymore... I do keep my TH out for farming so I can build up resources and hope people don't actually go for mine and instead go for trophies.

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  • 1 month later...
  Gergwheel said:
im level 105 and almost a maxxed TH9 now. 90g60 is much further ahead of me.


I didn't follow the "proper" leveling up process. You are doing things the correct way.

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  Stretch said:
Dayum. I'm only lvl 58



Yeah man I go big. I've had the account for a few years. Just stopped playing for like a year. My first account was a top 500 player account but didn't use gamecenter and got a new phone so lost it. That was like 3 years ago.

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