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Lunch time LOLZ


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Not the funniest story, but I thought I would share.


I grabbed lunch at Wendys today. I go to leave, and when I get to my car, the car next to me had parked so close I could not open my door to get in. I'm in uniform and driving my GOV car. I'm always very over understanding when out in the public, especially with a GOV car. So, I go back inside and nicely ask who has the gold Accord. No answer. Then this one guy says, "I think it's his". Pointing to a hunched over older man. I asked him if it was his car, and he didn't even look up or move. Just kept eating his chili. He couldn't hear me at all. At this point I was feeling kind of bad, but very glad I did not go back in pissed off. He did look up as I was asking him again, and did say it was his car. I explained he had parked too close for me to not hit his car with my door. He happily got up and we headed out side. I asked if he would like me to move it. He said he had it. At this point I just want to help in any way and not distract him. So, he gets in his car and moves it over.


This is how he parked.






I knew people from inside had to be watching. I could not help laughing a little and wanted to correct him. But, no one else was parked near, and what was done was done. I thanked him and drove away with a big smile. Poor old guy shouldn't be driving, but he just wanted his chili.

Edited by Mojoe
English is kicking my ass today
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Good for you for keeping it cool. After caring for my father before he passed, I have gained a new found respect and understanding for how bad getting old sucks and their trying to remain independent as human beings.. I think everyone tends to roll eyes when a blue-hair pulls out in front them rolling 5 below the limit, or parks all fucked up. I used to as well.


However, in the grand scheme, I hope to be independent and able to get out well into my white to no-hair days and that's all they are really trying to do. Like you said, he really just wanted a chili and who knows, probably served himself and paid his dues.


Old-man-tan, that's what I call the color of his car :)

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Well said, Tim. I have a huge respect for the older folks. Many of them have served, and have lived a life with far less luxuries than we have now. I always thank them for putting on the uniform in their day, to give the opertunity for me to wear mine today. It makes them smile pretty big; and that's kind of awesome.
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Joe, you're a dick. Making that poor old man go out and move his car... you should have just gotten in through your passenger side!


I figured that was coming. Me being a dick was going back in to confront the person parking like that, and correct them. Me not being a dick, was approaching it as maaaybe it's a little old lady, so play nice at first. At that point, the situation was what it was.

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Had this happen in goddamn groveport the other day. In my truck, some guy in a Silverado parked so close to me that our mirrors were interlocking on my drivers side. Basically I couldn't back out without ripping his and my mirror off, and forget opening my door. Got in through the passenger side angry, folded my mirror forward (glad they do this) and had to pull up onto the parking curb first before I was even able to backout at a slight angle.


I considered letting the air out of the guys tires but figured karma might get him eventually anyway. I have a friend who keeps a Schrader core puller in his glove box for just such occasions and THAT is a dick move. I see no harm in OPs story.

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