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Virginia politician offers 100k for nudes


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For 100k she should send them herself. I know I'd send some dick pics for less.


Lololol I thought the same thing. Shit 20 bucks and a case of beer I'd probably do it.



Either way she will become a millionaire off this (though it sounds like her parents are pretty well off already) just by being a hot chick and a hunter. Hell if he gets the nudes I can't say I wouldn't wanna peak them haha

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and the people voted for him why? reason #1,234 why we need to "clean house" and get some of these politicians the hell out.


No one voted for him. He's not even on the ballot. It says he's SEEKING the seat held by Cantor (who was just defeated in the GOP primary).


What I hate is the twitter universe has made everyone seem important, even some psychotic nutjob like this.


I wish we would just ignore retards like that instead of writing articles and giving them the attention they so desperately want. This is just a Demoncrat version of Ann Coulter with less clout.

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A couple of thoughts on this:

-Nothing wrong with A dude asking for nudes, assuming hes asking the girl herself.

-This is not an okay bounty for someone seeking a government position.

-If someone other than the girl comes forward with the pictures wouldn't that have some sort of legal ramifications?

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From article:

Rejected by local Democrats in part because of his ties to strip clubs


So he wants to out her by showing nude photos to shame her????! Buwhahahaha. Dude needs to clean up his own back yard first.

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I'm tired of all this BS. Darn near everyone here would take the opportunity to go on these hunts. They're done legally so I see no problem.


In for nudes


Personally i dont care for Hunting predators, nor do i care for the people that hunt them.

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Pretty funny, and amazing that some people got butthurt about it.

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What's even funnier is that you guys believe an article on Examiner.com.


lawls OMG i didnt use some news source you prefer. how about you actually do 5 seconds of homework before calling out shit. one news source is no diff then the other. they are all bought and paid for one way or the other.

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lawls OMG i didnt use some news source you prefer. how about you actually do 5 seconds of homework before calling out shit. one news source is no diff then the other. they are all bought and paid for one way or the other.


Everything on the internet is real, right? :dumb:

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