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Good Guys Show


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Saw you out Saturday evening, we were set up at the Bob Evans. I had the mustang. I had one issue with a pos family letting their 14 year lean against my mustang when we were sitting in our chairs watching the action. I politely ask the kid to remove himself from car, these people seemed not to understand why this was an issue. Overall, i had a good time up until this incident. I cant believe people today......


That shit pisses me off to no end. It's not permissible to ever lean up against, touch, or even breath on someone else's car without permission....and even if they give you permission it's still f'ing wrong. Don't touch the paint!!!!!


At Goodguys on Saturday my dad and I were walking around and there was a father with three sons. We were looking at a Mustang that obviously had some money in it and the kid just walked up and opened the door. My heart stopped because the cars were kind of close to each other and I thought the kid was going to open the door into the car next to the Mustang.


It completely blew my mind that the kid thought he could just walk up and swing the door open. Growing up with a car nut (my dad) I would NEVER touch or open the car of someones car at ANY show. Doesn't matter if its Goodguys or Cars and Coffee.

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How old was the son? My -almost- 4 year old kept wanting to touch cars, and i kept having to tell him not to touch, lol. Little kids dont understand that shit yet...


Is it parenting, it started when my kids when young about your kids age. Just teach them to respect others property. My kids are now 15 and 14 now. My daughter was the one who told me about the pos kid was leaning against my mustang. I am a parent that believes there is right and wrong, this involves parenting, many today don't teach this to their children. I am not a bible banger, but church does teach values too. It kills me about the parents that have wild uncontrollable kids, but never disciplined them when they were younger, no crap what do you expect.


My situation involved a boy that was around 13 years old...


Just my opinion..

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