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CR Legal Team - Past-due renter staying past end date of lease


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If you post your own...take time and date stamped photos of the notice on the house, a close up of the notice on the door...a pic with the house address, and a pic of the house with notice on it...that should suffice in court if the tenant disputes receiving it.


Never done any of that and never had an issue.

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We did a ton of evictions/posting for Fannie Mae. Photo documentation was accepted. If nothing else, it is ammo. You are correct, it is a tenant friendly situation, but if you follow the plan-you will succeed
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Does she have any previous evictions that you know of? It's very slim, but once some people know that their background check will reveal an eviction, (which will seriously fuck them in finding a place in the future and even for some jobs), they shape up. Perhaps you inform her of that, as well. Probably too late at this point, though. GL
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I had an Econ Teacher back in highschool that used to own rental properties. He told us that whenever he had somebody who would stop paying or was a bad tennant that he would simply remove the front door to their apt/house. That usually got the point across.


Until someone sues him for violating basic tenant rights haha.

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Yeah, if that happened to me there would be bigger issues. Fuck that.



^^ this.


True story, my aunt up in Cleveland has duplex and rented the first floor to a couple that decided to pull some shit where they "wouldn't move out". When my dad found out he made a phone call or two and said it would be handled. According to my aunt, the next day while the tenants were gone a plain white 24' moving truck with no plates rolled up, six big dudes loaded up 100% of their shit and left. The only thing in that place was dust. They took clothing, food, everything. She said they rolled in big empty crates and boxes and rolled out everything just as fast. I didn't believe it until I went up there with him after the cops were called.


Police were called as it was being treated as a break-in but no one knew anything. There was nothing they could do. No signs of a break in, nothing. Those fucking tenants couldn't even "go-off" on my elderly aunt or father as they knew she damn well couldn't move shit and she's perfect at playing it dumb. It was funny watching them though.


Needless to say they had to stay in a motel with the help of Red-Cross, the police eventually closed the case and the place re-rented.


I asked my father while he was in the hospital before he passed whatever happened to that stuff and he said he didn't know but that he just made sure it was gone for good and that "fuck-em" he didn't care. I miss him.

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I would absolutely clear them the fuck out. 600sq ft. is a small ass place too. Wouldn't take but a short amount of time and few guys to clean that out wall to wall.


Attention Maksym Pashanin and your POS Brother. I gladly invite you to try and pull this shit with me. It would be a wonderful news story what would happen to your sorry asses if you refused to leave one of my properties.

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A lot of folks know more than me in this thread but one thing I learned while evicting a renter a few years ago is if you accept any payment, even partial, the eviction clock starts over. By you taking that recent payment, even though it was for May, you likely restarted your 60 day clause from that date. Once she is 60 days late, post the 3 day notice, and don't take another dime from her.

I strongly recommend you get a lawyer though. I ended up doing so and managed to get a nice settlement after paying him from damages and unpaid rent.

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