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Captain Retard!!

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So I finally got nailed today after riding my motorcycle for two years, and never got my permit. I hadn't really thought about it in a long time.


Yes. Stupid. I know.


The officer was really chill about everything, and let my friend come take my bike home for me, and there are no other violations other than no permit.


ASIDE from getting my Ohio license and motorcycle permit before my court date, any other suggestions (other than don't be a fucking retard) for leniency?

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If this is the first time you ever got popped for riding without a license, and your license and criminal record is otherwise clean, then you are looking at 2 pts on your license and up to $1000 fine. If the judge really doesn't like you he can order you to do 500 hours of community service.


If they catch you a second time? They can (but probably won't) make you serve 6 mos in jail.


Get a lawyer.

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+1 your leniency already happened. I'd be as courteous and polite as possible to everyone you deal with from here on out, and get your permit and license if possible before the court date. Just pay your fine and move on. Was this CPD? If so, I doubt you'll do community service unless your record is shit.


I'm gonna go against the grain here, but I *personally* wouldn't waste money on a lawyer. This is pretty cut and dry, and 2 points ain't that big of a deal IMO. If you have one on retainer though, then by all means call him up.


Seriously though, 2 years? The written test takes like 20 minutes, and anyone who's passed the car test could pass it... there's like maybe 3 motorcycle specific questions, it's all the same stop sign, turn signal crap on the car exam lol. Everyone should take it, even if you don't own a motorcycle. They give you a second, legal, ID... I'll leave the possibilities to you. GIT.

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Sorry, I've been out of town. Yeah, it was a Perry Township officer. Really nice guy. I did all I could to show I wasn't a risk or anything. Pulled off into a parking lot to get us off of sawmill road, took off all my gear when I stopped, no bs when answering questions.


I had actually passed the permit test a while back, but didn't get a chance to bring in a birth certificate to switch everything over to Ohio. I should have one in the mailbox as I am typing this so I can get it all taken care of tomorrow. Then I will likely take the driving test before the court date as well, if possible, so that way everything is all set on my end.


Insurance is fine, I just didn't have proof on me. I need to get that laminated and put in my wallet or under my seat or something.

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