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We won't know the whole truth on this matter, one way or another.


Here's my issue:


Got more shit than I had in Iraq back in 03'. Not to mention, while on patrol, I didn't have my M16A4 pointed at anyone neither. I understand what they do, I get the necessity for SOME of the equipment. But their tactics and techniques are amateur at best.


MARPAT is totally necessary in today's urban jungle environment.

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We won't know the whole truth on this matter, one way or another.


Here's my issue:


Got more shit than I had in Iraq back in 03'. Not to mention, while on patrol, I didn't have my M16A4 pointed at anyone neither. I understand what they do, I get the necessity for SOME of the equipment. But their tactics and techniques are amateur at best.



I believe the thrust of the quote from the Sheriff was "we're not militarized, we're just using Tactical Operations" :dumb:


Google "tactical operations" and see how many military-related results appear.

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We won't know the whole truth on this matter, one way or another.


Here's my issue:


Got more shit than I had in Iraq back in 03'. Not to mention, while on patrol, I didn't have my M16A4 pointed at anyone neither. I understand what they do, I get the necessity for SOME of the equipment. But their tactics and techniques are amateur at best.


My only issue with this picture is the use of a 10 round magazine...... pass the ammo..

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Unless the SECDEF has been removed from the Cabinet, there was at least 1 WH official at Major General Greene's funeral. Additionally, there is no set precedent for WH officials attending military funerals, even for higher ranking officials.


But don't let the truth hold up a good meme.


EDIT: You know what, I'm also gonna call this meme out for the racist pile of shit it is. Show a black dude in a shady pose flippin' the bird in an unflattering way with accusations that have in no way been substantiated yet, but show the white military man at his best in front of an American flag in his Class A's. Why not flip it around? Show Brown at his absolute best, show Greene in a candid moment. Fuck this meme.

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All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Vanilla Ice said that.


I'm being serious, I've not seen a single thing that:


1. Justifies the cop killing this kid

2. Justifies the need to rip a town apart via riots


Media has created this mess and now since there are no more cops in riot gear, no more fires, no more ratings they have walked away.


I'm in no way sold on why this kid (refuse to call him "unarmed teenager") needed to be shot. Why this use of force?


I just can't wrap my mind around why this has blown up but there is no where near the fire storm over the guy that got lit up in beavercreek in the WalMart....

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I'm being serious, I've not seen a single thing that:


1. Justifies the cop killing this kid

2. Justifies the need to rip a town apart via riots


Media has created this mess and now since there are no more cops in riot gear, no more fires, no more ratings they have walked away.


I'm in no way sold on why this kid (refuse to call him "unarmed teenager") needed to be shot. Why this use of force?


I just can't wrap my mind around why this has blown up but there is no where near the fire storm over the guy that got lit up in beavercreek in the WalMart....


Best post in this thread from one of the few people here who could be considered "media".

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Best post in this thread from one of the few people here who could be considered "media".


I will never forget the first time I goofed up on a fact in a story, it was brutal. It was not anything major, but I was pretty much told, that's not how we do things, don't do that again.


I've even had stories pulled after they were done and turned in because there were questions as to the information that was given to me.


So, I really can't follow the way CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest operate in this grey area they do, its not responsible reporting.


The thing I've notices is you get all this outrage built and reported to get the clicks, views and ratings. Then after the facts come out and the "story" they tried to tell is proven false it just happens to go away...


Anybody else notice this?

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I'm being serious, I've not seen a single thing that:


1. Justifies the cop killing this kid


Well, he had just committed a felony. Just saying.


I'm no friend of our increasingly militarized police forces here in America. Far from it. I see them for what they are.


Having said that, the officer in question apparently suffered injuries during the initial altercation with Brown, when his (the officers) weapon was discharged inside the cruiser. We, or at least I, don't know who actually fired that shot.


Those witnesses who testified Brown was executed while attempting to surrender also said that he had been shot in the back, which the autopsy proved false. I personally can't believe a word they say after that.


The media has a "sexy" narrative that drives eyes, so they set that fucker on boil.


2. Justifies the need to rip a town apart via riots


It's mob rule.


Media has created this mess and now since there are no more cops in riot gear, no more fires, no more ratings they have walked away.


I'm in no way sold on why this kid (refuse to call him "unarmed teenager") needed to be shot. Why this use of force?


Have to wait to see the officer tell his side of the story.


I just can't wrap my mind around why this has blown up but there is no where near the fire storm over the guy that got lit up in beavercreek in the WalMart....


It's a perfect ratings storm. Trayvon 2.0.


The real reasons go much deeper.

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I'm being serious, I've not seen a single thing that:


1. Justifies the cop killing this kid

2. Justifies the need to rip a town apart via riots


Media has created this mess and now since there are no more cops in riot gear, no more fires, no more ratings they have walked away.


I'm in no way sold on why this kid (refuse to call him "unarmed teenager") needed to be shot. Why this use of force?


I just can't wrap my mind around why this has blown up but there is no where near the fire storm over the guy that got lit up in beavercreek in the WalMart....


When being attacked, one has a right to defend themselves, in this case, a firearm was used.


As for Bevercreek, it would seem self explanatory that when you are told to put a gun down, by the police, at gunpoint, you should comply. They have no clue it is a pellet gun, you have a split second to make that decision, at that point you don't so much care what color the person holding the gun is.


But many would be ok with the reverse scenario of the guy having a real gun and shooting and killing the police, that seems to be what's acceptable these days.


My personal suggestion, let's get rid of all law enforcement for a month and see how things work out. That means we let everyone in the jails and prisons loose, no police for anything, I think that is the hot ticket, then everyone can do as they please. That should be fun......

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Well, he had just committed a felony. Just saying.


1) Stealing a pack of cigars aka petty theft is a misdemeanor.


2) Even menacing, with no weapon, is either a misdemeanor or the lowest felony charge.


3) He never had his Constitutionally-protected right to a trial or due process (see my earlier posts in this thread).


4) The officer did not stop him because he was a suspect in the alleged theft.


5) "Just saying" what? That people accused of felonies deserve to be shot before the facts of their case are discovered? The "just saying" mentality is exactly the problem with so-called debate in the media. Idiots like Piers Morgan, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Kieth Olbermann are all guilty of shitty journalism when they ask leading questions followed by "just saying." It's a half-ass way of providing a terrible argument/hypothesis with no supporting evidence, then allowing the listener to draw their own erroneous conclusions based on unsubstantiated assumptions rather than a hypothesis that stands up to the scientific method with a broad sample of supporting evidence.



When being attacked, one has a right to defend themselves, in this case, a firearm was used.


Again, we've covered this. Police are trained to use matching force, BUT TO USE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF FORCE NECESSARY to de-escalate a situation. The facts of this case have not revealed themselves so it's imprudent to assume the officer was right or wrong in his use of lethal force but based on what we do know, there was no attempt to use less-than-lethal force prior to Brown's death.

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Well, he had just committed a felony. Just saying.


Do you feel this statement in any way should be considered justification for the actions that took place which ended in Brown being shot? It seems you are. If so, I can point out how foolish this logic is.

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1) Stealing a pack of cigars aka petty theft is a misdemeanor.


Roughing up the clerk a misdemeanor as well?


2) Even menacing, with no weapon, is either a misdemeanor or the lowest felony charge.


Key word there is 'felony'.


3) He never had his Constitutionally-protected right to a trial or due process (see my earlier posts in this thread).


Yeah, bullets tend to do that.



4) The officer did not stop him because he was a suspect in the alleged theft.


I'm guessing Brown thought that was the reason he was being stopped. Admitted pure speculation on my part.


5) "Just saying" what? That people accused of felonies deserve to be shot before the facts of their case are discovered? The "just saying" mentality is exactly the problem with so-called debate in the media. Idiots like Piers Morgan, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Kieth Olbermann are all guilty of shitty journalism when they ask leading questions followed by "just saying." It's a half-ass way of providing a terrible argument/hypothesis with no supporting evidence, then allowing the listener to draw their own erroneous conclusions based on unsubstantiated assumptions rather than a hypothesis that stands up to the scientific method with a broad sample of supporting evidence.


So I won't win a Pulitzer. I can live with that.

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Do you feel this statement in any way should be considered justification for the actions that took place which ended in Brown being shot? It seems you are. If so, I can point out how foolish this logic is.


Stealing the cigars? No. No I don't.


His subsequent interaction with the officer? I have no idea if it justified his shooting or not.

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When being attacked, one has a right to defend themselves, in this case, a firearm was used.


As for Bevercreek, it would seem self explanatory that when you are told to put a gun down, by the police, at gunpoint, you should comply. They have no clue it is a pellet gun, you have a split second to make that decision, at that point you don't so much care what color the person holding the gun is.


But many would be ok with the reverse scenario of the guy having a real gun and shooting and killing the police, that seems to be what's acceptable these days.


My personal suggestion, let's get rid of all law enforcement for a month and see how things work out. That means we let everyone in the jails and prisons loose, no police for anything, I think that is the hot ticket, then everyone can do as they please. That should be fun......


I agree 110% if a cop tells you to do something, you do it, no question. I do not feel sorry for anybody who gets the bright idea to not comply and gets their ass kicked. Even if the cop is in the wrong, comply and let things get sorted out later.


My question on the Beavercreek thing is there were some "reports" he was putting the "gun" down and still got shot. Again, no follow up in the mainstream media, and I wonder if that is becaue the facts point in the direction of the cops did their job and there is no story to create.


I understand being a cop is a crazy and rough job, I could not do it. Your life is in danger all the time and if you don't think like that, you will get hurt.

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Roughing up the clerk a misdemeanor as well?




Key word there is 'felony'.


OK I dug a bit deeper.


Since Brown had no priors, he would not be charged with first degree menacing.


Therefore, the two remaining degrees are both misdemeanors. Key word there being "misdemeanor" and not "felony".


Just stressing the importance of knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions.

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OK I dug a bit deeper.


Since Brown had no priors, he would not be charged with first degree menacing.


Therefore, the two remaining degrees are both misdemeanors. Key word there being "misdemeanor" and not "felony".


Just stressing the importance of knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions.


Fair enough. But I would submit that Mr. Brown wasn't shot for the illicit procurement of cigars at all, but for his subsequent actions.


When he allegedly punched the officer and attempted to gain control of his weapon, I'm not up on Missouri case law, but I'm willing to bet those are felonies.

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