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The Rise of ISIS


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Obama needs to call these people what they really are...cowards. cutting off a handcuffed guys head takes no balls or "power" or "strength" at all. Suicide bombers are a passive aggressive pansy way to fight. Be 1/2 the man you think you are and fight straight-up. Be real or GTFO!


I'd tell that fuck straight up, put the knife down or better yet, keep it in hand and fight one of our guys hand to hand with a knife in his. Otherwise crawl back to your caves and be the cowards you are and enjoy playing tough-guy bit on video hiding like trolls. The reality is you are anything but the role you are trying to play. Terrorists everywhere you are all pussys and keyboard warriors. Even the fucking Russians are rolling in with a fight, even though Putin won't come out and own-it. They are at least committed and willing to put up in the face of what they want.


He should say that, drop the mic and let the press stand astonished that he actually said it.

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Another beheading, Saudi King pretty much says these guys are the real deal, and our Idiot-In-Chief still does not have a plan….






Saw the video. Same as before. Cuts out as hes sawing the dudes neck. Cuts in with fake gory head on a headless body. All propaganda.



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Obama needs to call these people what they really are...cowards. cutting off a handcuffed guys head takes no balls or "power" or "strength" at all. Suicide bombers are a passive aggressive pansy way to fight. Be 1/2 the man you think you are and fight straight-up. Be real or GTFO!


I'd tell that fuck straight up, put the knife down or better yet, keep it in hand and fight one of our guys hand to hand with a knife in his. Otherwise crawl back to your caves and be the cowards you are and enjoy playing tough-guy bit on video hiding like trolls. The reality is you are anything but the role you are trying to play. Terrorists everywhere you are all pussys and keyboard warriors. Even the fucking Russians are rolling in with a fight, even though Putin won't come out and own-it. They are at least committed and willing to put up in the face of what they want.


He should say that, drop the mic and let the press stand astonished that he actually said it.

They would say the same thing about drone strikes.


These guys need to be wiped out.

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They would say the same thing about drone strikes.


These guys need to be wiped out.

They can't. When was the last time the USA sent a drone to purposefully kill an innocent unarmed person?


We have boots on the ground ready to take them on at any time and don't hide like they do. Drone strikes are no where near the same as beheading an Unarmed handcuffed civilian.


This pussy hides his face and identity. Call his ass out personally and see if he shows himself. Our guys are more than willing meet them in person and he knows it. He's a pussy no different than a school yard 8th grader picking on a 5yr old. Just the same he would shit his pants, if put in a real situation.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Saw the video. Same as before. Cuts out as hes sawing the dudes neck. Cuts in with fake gory head on a headless body. All propaganda.




Not sure if trolling or just dumb...


People need to wake the fuck up, the world is on fire and people are just watching it burn...

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Well this looks fun:




Have not heard a word about this on the "national news" but have seen it posted up by a few different people and its starting to make me wonder.


Between this, ISIS, the Putin show, the return of Lebron, and the Saved By The Bell lifetime movie I think its safe to say the world is coming to an end, stay safe out there people.

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To some extent, these people will always be at war. They have for decades. Their religion being the scap goat for their reasoning. They really have a "Hitler like" way of looking at things. I think they are trying to come off as purests, wanting to kill the Western way of life, basically saying it lives in sin and creates more sin. To me it is more like they are your typical "take over the world" story from so many movies. They have no honor. No code they seem to live by, other than hating. They hide their faces, knowing what they do is criminal on a world level. There will always be a group like this out there. My hope is we can keep them off our soil as best as possible. World piece is a fairy tale.


6 AM random rant over.


Agree completely!

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They really have a "Hitler like" way of looking at things.


Hate to say it but we need to exterminate the likes of ISIS and other Terrorists. No mercy, no politics, no rules, no political correctness, just wipe them off the earth. The world would be a better place without them and everyone knows it so we should just ban together as a world and do it. How cool would that be to see the military forces from all surrounding nations unite to just march across the dessert from north to south in all those fucking countries just hunting them down and ending them. Movie worthy.

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It seriously breaks my heart to see this happening to people, and gives me a sense of shame for sitting here in my AC office, typing on the interwebz, and thinking about taking my block to the machine shop on saturday for my "fun weekend car."


Watched a Vice doc on HBO the other day on bonded labor in pakistan...we are truly lost as a race when we can treat each other the way that we do. Not just abroad, but domestically as well.

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I just downloaded the latest beheading.....Ugh! Savages! Can't imagine doing that or having that done to me.


Then I'm willing to bet you're not either a sociopath or a religious fanatic, a particularly nasty potent potable combination.


Homo sapiens are a pretty fucked-up species, when you think about it. You don't hear about cetacean beheadings.


You simply can't reason with people who do shit like this. They have the zealot gene. You just have to eliminate them from the gene pool as efficiently as possible.

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I don't know how to use piece and peace. Man, I really need to re read what I write before I hit reply.



On another note, I'm all for some John Rambo justice to be delivered to this group. Next week is the anniversary of the Twin Towers attack; I would not be surprised if there is an incident here in the US. Big or small, what happened here in the US that day will be celebrated by those who hate us, by striking again on the same day.

Edited by Mojoe
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I went to dinner with a buddy who spent 14 years over in the Middle East working in intelligence and I alway enjoy hearing his side of things and last night was no exception and began making me think about Obama's recent comment that was pretty clearly that he didn't want to eliminate ISIS but rather "control them".


I've never really bought into the whole conspiracy theory piece of this but it does make a lot more sense today.


So how many others here think that ISIS and the destabilization of the region is actually helping our long term cause in controlling oil, preserving the US Dollar and is just a biproduct of our race against Putan to supply Europe with oil and prevent the euro from becoming the standard?

Edited by TTQ B4U
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we are in step 2. right now...



1. Create a problem by arming and funding extremists to take down opponents by proxy

2. Incite a reaction from the public by demonizing the same bad guys you put into power

3. Propose a solution which involves a military intervention, the loss of liberties, or both



Have you guys seen this interview?


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