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The Rise of ISIS


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Well since we pretty much laid out what we were going to do...




What a circus of fail and AIDS, who is running this show and calling the shots?


I hope we keep boots off the ground because lord knows these turds in DC will set them up for failure.


At this point there are too many hands in the cookie jar... too many countries with their own interests trying to spin the war to their advantage. One could appropriately use the term "cluster" here.


And I agree that arming rebel factions is somewhat ridiculous. After the war is over there will be more fighting over territory simply because we empowered groups to take advantage of others. On the other hand, deploying troops that could run these idiots into the ground in a matter of days would look bad.


Oh well. I read the news every morning and just wait for it to get worse.

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At this point there are too many hands in the cookie jar... too many countries with their own interests trying to spin the war to their advantage. One could appropriately use the term "cluster" here.


And I agree that arming rebel factions is somewhat ridiculous. After the war is over there will be more fighting over territory simply because we empowered groups to take advantage of others. On the other hand, deploying troops that could run these idiots into the ground in a matter of days would look bad.


Oh well. I read the news every morning and just wait for it to get worse.


Well, its not like people who know the area are not offering advice, that is being cast aside.



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Airstrikes are effective against non-cohesive groups that don't have significant numbers in the field and only when there is adequate intelligence to eliminate their positions. Bombing ISIS/ISIL without good field intelligence will just waste money and time, and the group will just recede then surge once the airstrikes are over. This is a group of 20-30k embedded in cities... they aren't all standing out in the middle of the desert burning American flags waiting for the US to bomb them.


Of course I'm saying what everyone not in this administration knows already. Leaving Iraq and Afghanistan so quickly was a mistake, and now we are paying for it.

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Yes, because arming and training people in that region has worked so well for us in the past.


How freaking dumb are these elected officals? Have they not read a single freaking history book or seen what has happend in the past. We will just end up fighting the same people we arm and train later.




Arming and training people in the region HAS worked very well for us in the past and has actually been working for us recently, too.


Did you watch the video I posted?


Once you get past the goofy background sounds and dramatic effects put in there for the conspiracy theorists, there is some very good information presented and you can come to your own conclusions from a slightly different point of view.

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Some background on the Petro Dollar.


While I don't agree with some things in this video, understanding the petro dollar and it's implications will help you understand the mess in the Middle East and the road that our Country has been on for MANY years.


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Don't worry our fearless leader is on top of things :dumb:




Didn't read article yet, but watched vid.


Funny thing is, my brother (ex-military), said the other day that the president is a genius. The Pres wants troops on the ground, but the people don't...yet. So the Pres does airstrikes knowing they won't "work." Eventually the people are going to be scared enough of ISIS, and realize airstrikes aren't working, and BEG the president to put troops on the ground if it means making sure we are "safe." The Pres gets what he wants, the people controlling the Pres get what they want, and American's get what they think they want. Everybody "wins."

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Good job america. Yet another fine example of how our decisions making and meddling has not helped anything.


You would think that elected idiots would learn from the people who came before them and their fuck ups?


From what I have read the boots on the ground are predicting the exact same fate for trash-can-a-stan after we leave.

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We took out Saddam, (Who we put there in the first place), and replaced him with another Saddam.


I wonder when America is going to admit that the middle east requires either indefinite occupation, and call it what it is; or it's a stay the f*ck out situation. One of the two.


I may catch flack for this, but regardless, I can see it from both sides, and I can empathize to an extent those that back ISIS. Keep suppressing a people, and what do you expect to happen. Obviously I don't condone the horrific acts ISIS commits, but they offer Sunni's "hope" so to speak, which I get.

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We took out Saddam, (Who we put there in the first place), and replaced him with another Saddam.


I wonder when America is going to admit that the middle east requires either indefinite occupation, and call it what it is; or it's a stay the f*ck out situation. One of the two.


I may catch flack for this, but regardless, I can see it from both sides, and I can empathize to an extent those that back ISIS. Keep suppressing a people, and what do you expect to happen. Obviously I don't condone the horrific acts ISIS commits, but they offer Sunni's "hope" so to speak, which I get.


The middle east is pretty much ford vs chevy people, but instead of fighting over cars they fight over god and shoot each other, cut heads off, and make videos of blowing stuff up.

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The middle east is pretty much ford vs chevy people, but instead of fighting over cars they fight over god and shoot each other, cut heads off, and make videos of blowing stuff up.


Well, I own both, so why can't they? ha ha. The problem is, not all are like that.


But when you feel you have no representation and you are being suppressed, what do you do? You take up arms and and support other's that do as well in your favor.


Pretty much what murica did back in the day? Ohh, what's that england? you want our money but want to sh*t on us at the same time. Well screw you. You gonna die now!

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