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shingles, anyone had it


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I have been under so much stress/anxiety lately I am almost certain I now have a case of shingles. Its been almost a week and i did not start any antiviral medications due to not realizing what it was in time. Anyone had it or have any suggestions on what works best to deal with it?
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They say you only have 72 hours to start taking the antivital medication, its been a week for me. At first i thought it was just poison oak. Now i have to suffer through its course. Trying to find out which creams, oils ect have worked. Really want the blisters to dry out quickly, the pain i am not so worried about.
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I've had it once. It is painful. Looks like a rash that will wrap around half of your body. it'll either be on the right or left side. If you didn't catch it before it broke out then It'll have to run it's course and there's nothing out there to speed it up. Although it'll feel itchy at times, do not scratch it unless you like the sensation of your body set on fire. Unreal pain. I got it out of nowhere years ago after being under alot of stress. Took about 1-2wks to fully go away. That same year I had appendicitis and had to get my appendix out lol. Talk about a painful year.
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Have you had chickenpox before? If not then you do not have Shingles. If you have then I would recommend that you go see a doctor as soon as you can, they will put you on an anti-viral medication (I think the last time I had it they put me on fam-vir [however it is spelled]). I have had it a few times, it is (from how the doctor explained it to me years ago) the chickenpox virus stays in your body and never really goes away and Shingles is a form of it, and it is usually triggered by something (for me it happens to be sunburn, sounds like it could be stress for you if you do in fact have it). Also, Paul is correct, it is painful, however when I got it the few times I have, it was just a small rash (couple inches around) usually showed up on my chest. That is about all I know hope it helps, again I would highly recommend going to see a doctor.
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Had (have) it on my head and eye (which sucks worse than having it on your body where you can hide it!). Didn't get to the Dr. until a week in when it first happened. Doc still gave me the meds and recommended I take the complete dose. And once you have it, you have it for ever. Good luck!
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