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I've searched the forum and found info about people spraying various small pieces or pictures of other people's whole cars.



Has anyone here "dipped" a whole car? I understand the prep work in painting a car, just wondering what people's experiences are? And yes I've "dipped" small items and turns out good with 4-5 coats.

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I've dipped whole panels on my truck, it was fine until i tried to get it off. Either it wasn't thick enough, or it doesn't peel well after seeing every type of weather for a year. Honestly it likely was too thin.


I've had that issue too. I assumed the same conclusion. I would be sure to spray the car heavy.

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I have two friends who have dipped probably 10 whole cars by now with no problems. Even peeled and redipped the same car. They get all their stuff from dipyourcar.com. If you have any specific questions i can foreword them for you.
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I peeled my dipped avant this weekend, after 2 years:




Here's a quick video of dipping the other car - this one didn't peel as nicely because the dip wasn't applied thickly enough near the bottom of the car. You asked about paint prep - for this one, just an alcohol wipe. For the avant above, I clay-barred and alcohol wiped.


If you mean masking and stuff, don't work too hard on masking windows, trims, even headlights / tails. I just stuck a piece of tape on them, and when the dip was dry it gave me a starting point to peel. As long as you've got a hard line, the stuff comes right up.


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