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Thanks CR (Follow up to wife passing)


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CR I wanted to thank all the members who helped me through out this dark chapter of my life. Eli you were there when i needed someone the most and for that i'm ever greatful.


Others who reached out on facebook and phone thank you so much. It ment allot to me being so far away from my family and friends but knowing there was still people willing to listen.


Thanks again!



I would really like it if this years CR toy drive would be named after my wife i'd gladly make a large cash donation to make that happen.

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Yes I have a life in california and friends and everything. There was a brief time when i was considering moving back. But honestly I think California has helped me deal with what's on my plate. It's allot easier to soilder on when you never had a life with that person here.


I don't have memories of her in bed with me here. I don't have any of that. It's not that I'm trying to forget I'm trying to do what she would want me to do. Which is to live the best possible life I can.


The day she died she kept telling me please don't cry. I still miss her and think of her. But I use that to encourage myself to continue this lifestyle I've created.

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makes sense. For me to move forward from my shitmess I had to move to a different part of the country so I could forget who I was. It was my own doing, so I couldn't imagine losing my wife. Please keep posting of your progress because you may never know who it can help inspire.
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