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Cars and coffee this weekend 10/4?


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The car wouldn't be hard to spot. Finding the driver in a sea of people is a different story. Maybe you should wear a name tag :)


I'll stand by my car like Brian earl spillner. Anybody from the Dublin area want to meet up and drive over?

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I'll stand by my car like Brian earl spillner. Anybody from the Dublin area want to meet up and drive over?


Haha I would rather see the Billy Madison, up on the hood with your jean jacket popped blasting REO Speedwagon. Own it.


I might be heading there from Dublin around 10ish, mustang still down for the count though

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what Dublin C&C?


I have driven by the Kroger on Avery/Muirfield on Sat morning a few times and there is signage directing cars to the Kroger parking lot for "Dublin Cars & Coffee."




Seems like a small group.



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which makes me think... Clay, (and maybe you have already) you should make some signage like this. I can create and cut the vinyl if you provide the signs.


I have a couple of old real estate signs I would donate to stick the vinyl to.

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Why is Columbus CnC so much better than CLE? Marketing?


I can't speak for CLE. And the following are just my opinions--others will no doubt differ with me.


Columbus Cars & Coffee (dotNET, not dotCOM) works well because


1) Clay is a tireless and resourceful promoter. He's enthusiastic about cars and talks about it to the many folks he meets.


2) He isn't trying to network for profit. It's not a place you pass out your business card.


3) Clay uses social media effectively. He gathers photos of the events and shoots videos. He keeps a website and Facebook page updated.


4) From the beginning, the only rule was that EVERYONE with ANY car is welcome. People post the meet info on their brand-specific forums and a bunch of Mustangs, or Corvettes, or whatevers show up in force.


5) Clay polices the event and shuts down loud stereos, burnouts, unsafe driving. It stays family friendly. (He almost never has to do these things.)


6) It is consistent. The group learned that it's better to use the same day, same time, same place year-round. If the weather's crummy, there's a nice coffee shop to sit and chat.


7) He kept it simple. No dues, no membership, no attempt to organize other events, partner with sponsors, or have a fundraiser for Jerry's kids.


Because of all these things, the event draws an ever-changing, diverse and friendly group of car enthusiasts, which in turn keeps it interesting.


I think he got it just right. :thumbup:

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