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The Act of Killing


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This is some pretty wild shit. Being 100% sincere, i've never seen anything like this. I stumbled upon this after MNF was a bust but I wish someone would have told me about it so I could have made a point to watch it instead of just happening to see it. It'll probably air again so set your DVR's. I'm compelled to say you need to watch this....I feel like its important.


The Act of Killing is a documentary that follows the current day making of a movie that depicts the real life genocide of millions of Chinese in Indonesia in the 1960s. But heres where it gets weird.


The people making and starring in the movie are the original Indonesian death squad "gangsters" (as they call themselves) from the 60's. They're trying to make the torture and killing in their movie as gruesome as possible...because thats how it originally happened and, in their mind, they're national treasures. In their mind they did nothing wrong. They show no remorse but rather excitement for their previous acts, despite committing crimes against humanity.


This is not a political film per se ...it's cerebral in the context that it gets you thinking about the main character. You essentially get to see the whole genocide take place again from the point of view of the person who committed it. It's something more than surreal.


The website does a better job of explaining it than i did



here's the trailer


Edited by Sturg
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