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In the hospital


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Last Sat. my knee started being aggravated. Sunday it was killing me. Monday I went to see my family dr., he sent me to orthopedic dr.

I went there on Tuesday. they drained about a pint of fluid from my knee. by the time I got home I felt like a hundred bucks. maybe hundred and fitty.

I went to work on Thursday and it started hurting again. By Friday night I was crying from pain. I went to the ortho dr. Sat. morning to get the fluid drained again, but there wasn't much. It was swelled twice as big as before, though.

The ortho dr. said go home and pack my shit and head to Good Sam Hospital and he would see me in the morning.

I got here yesterday around 1:pm, I've been on a strict percocet and morphine diet, since.

Well this morning the doc showed up and said they were going to do an irrigation on my knee. Next thing I remember is waking up, still in severe pain (the past few days have been the worst pain I have ever felt). Finally, at 1:45 am the pain is letting up some.

I still have to stay till at least 8:00pm tomorrow night.

At least I have O.R. to keep me occupied.

If anyone is near tomorrow and bored or wants to bring me a banana creme pie blizzard from dairy queen, I'm in room 8153.

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thanks fellows. Justin, Chris said the house is coming together good. did you get moved in?

ya, i just moved in. still working on getting everything put together so i have a place to put stuff as i unpack. there is still work to be done though! exterior, basement, and minor touchup stuff around. :D thanks for askin! If I lived by you i'd bring ya that blizzard :lol:

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As someone who had his second knee surgery last year (and a bit more extensive the second time around), I wish you the best. I had microfracture suregery last January. Knee pain freaking sucks. Whomever or whatever designed these knees of ours was an idiot. Get better and get riding soon!

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Those hospital stays can be rather rewarding, as long as you are nice to the Head Nurse with the dirty knees. Try and find out why they call her the "Head" nurse...

Won't happen if your insurance is HMO.

Get well soon.

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